A new Bench-Mark episode online with TSI partner iThanks

It is estimated that in Italy over 220,000 tonnes of food are thrown away each year, worth over €3 billion in the distribution chain alone.

Although the problem is largely ignored, there are some companies that are creating solutions that can be replicated on a large scale.
iThanks, for instance, is an innovative app that allows both large and small shops to reduce food waste by ensuring that supplies are always efficient and not expiring.

How was the idea born? Marco Cartolano and Andrea Gasco, co-founders of iThanks, tell us the story behind the project.

Interview by Francesco Antonioli.

> Watch here the other episodes of Bench-Mark.


Regenereting places by involving communities – Third stage of Road to Social Change – Unicredit Banking Academy

Ready with the third stage of Road to Social Change.

Promoted by the UniCredit Banking Academy, in collaboration with AICCON, Politecnico di Milano – Tiresia/MIP, Fondazione Italiana Accenture and TechSoup, ROAD TO SOCIAL CHANGE is a project for the integral development of the Third Sector that intends to play a leading role in the country’s recovery process, contributing significantly to the realization of many important economic and social challenges.

The project, which takes place throughout 2021, ideally crosses Italy with 7 stages in the territories of our country.

Don’t miss the next meeting on June 22, we will talk about “Regenerating places by involving communities” with special guests.

We will have with us Fabrizio Barca, Coordinator Forum Inequalities and Diversity, statistician and economist, expert in territorial development policies. Fabrizio Barca has taught Economic Policy, Corporate Finance and Economic History at the universities of Milan (Bocconi University), Modena, Paris (Sciences Po), Siena, Rome, Parma and Urbino. He has been a visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston and at Stanford University. He has also held managerial positions at the Bank of Italy, the Ministry of the Treasury, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the OECD. Former Minister for Territorial Cohesion from 2011 to 2013. Author of several essays and books.

A new important meeting, a new challenge for the country to accompany processes of change and innovation of territories and communities on which we will be inspired as always by the story of good practices. With us will be Massimiliano Monetti with the case “Borghi in Rete – Abruzzo” and Francesca Elisa Leonelli with “Retake Roma“.

> Register here

For more information, visit the page www.unicredit.it/roadtosocialchange or send an email to unitalk@unicredit.eu

Applications to the Impact Narrative Awards are open!

The Global Steering Group for Impact Investments (GSG)Torino Social Impact and Social Impact Agenda per l’Italia, the Italian National Advisory Board, have joined forces to launch the Impact Narrative Awards, the first-ever award dedicated to communication about impact investing.

The Impact Narrative Awards aims to identify best-in-class examples of impact investing stories used to persuade financial institutions and governments to put their full weight behind impact. By honouring excellence in communication, we can strengthen the narratives used to promote impact investing and help our community to speak with one voice. In doing so, we elevate the profile of impact investing and enable it to expand around the world, bringing benefits to people and the planet.

The winners will be announced to 1,500 impact professionals at the GSG Global Impact Summit (October 6-8, 2021) and their message will be distributed through the GSG communication channels. The categories include the best impact narrative aimed at governments and the best impact narrative aimed at the financial sector.

The closing date is August 23 at 23:59 BST (London time).

Before submitting your entry, please read the full call, containing selection criteria and submission rules.

Only entries submitted using the ONLINE FORM and including a link to the narrative content you are submitting will be considered. Applications sent via email or other channels will not be accepted.


For more information, visit the official website or contact awards@gsgii.org

Friday, June 11, 2021 – Lavoro Proximo

Friday, June 11, 2021 | 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm

An appointment to explore the WORK challenge of TorinoProxima, an initiative of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation with SocialFare.

About the event

TorinoProxima | From civic imagination to social enterprise is an initiative of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, realized with SocialFare, aimed at aspiring innovators and social entrepreneurs (especially young people under 35) from and for Torino. A unique opportunity to learn and accelerate knowledge and practical skills in Social Innovation.

We are looking for proximity entrepreneurs: teams with an innovative idea or solution in response to one or more of the 6 urban challenges identified by the call: Culture, Work, Housing, Reuse, Nature, Well-being. In order to deepen the issues related to the 6 challenges, we propose a series of appointments open to the participation of all interested citizens.

How to participate in the event

Participation is free. Registrations at this link.

TSI Partner Izmade in the new episode of Bench-Mark

Who said that impact economy companies shouldn’t make a profit?

For the Bench-Mark column, Alessandro Grella, partner and co-founder of Izmade, a social enterprise born in Turin in 2016, tells us about the social impact of an artisan design and ambient architecture workshop on the territory.

Interview curated by Francesco Antonioli.

Innovation and technology for artistic and cultural heritage

Business Networking & B2B

The loosening of the restrictions imposed by the lockdown is gradually restarting the fruition of artistic heritage, after a year of dramatic contraction. However, the pandemic crisis has contributed to spreading great interest in the opportunities offered by digital technology. There are, in fact, numerous cases of experimentation and adoption of technological solutions, with the intention of supporting the revolution taking place in the methods of use and creation of cultural content, as in the case of museums and live shows.

How can technological development be used to serve cultural heritage and art?

What solutions have already emerged in the crisis?

How can the change underway be made structural?

The Torino Wireless Foundation is organizing a meeting with the companies belonging to the ICT Innovation Pole of the Piedmont Region, to present available solutions and consolidated skills able to support museums, show business operators and in general the cultural realities in this delicate phase of transition to digital.


The Corporate Meeting is

LIVE EVENT remotely connected on ZOOM platform, in which the companies belonging to the ICT Cluster present their solutions with quick 5-minute speeches on the model of speed pitching.

B2B MEETINGS organized in the days following the meeting, which take place in remote connection. Each participant in the live event can request personalized appointments to each speaker.


15:00 – Login time – Participants access on ZOOM

15:05 – Welcome greetings

Laura Morgagni, Torino Wireless Foundation
Matteo Negrin, Piemonte dal Vivo Foundation

15:15 – How to make the change structural? The opportunities of digital


  • Sara Abram, La Venaria Reale Cultural Heritage Conservation and Restoration Center Foundation
  • Massimiliano Atelli, Visconti Sforza Castle Foundation of Novara
  • Domenico De Gaetano, National Cinema Museum
  • Mariella Mengozzi, National Automobile Museum of Turin “Avv. Giovanni Agnelli”.


The companies belonging to the ICT Cluster present innovative solutions in 5 minutes.

Plunge – immersive digital experience
Flavio Trione, 3×1010

Plunge allows you to create a virtual world equipped with various touchpoints that are totally customizable (widgets, videos, images, texts, external links, etc.) that can be easily updated and nationalized through a content management system. The areas of application are many, from the world of events to digital art (NFT), from museums to distance learning and more…

Changing realities: new ways of fruition between real and virtual
Davide Pantile, ETT (SCAI)

The tools developed by ETT for the virtual visit (VR, Virtual Tours) of museums and attractions received a strong boost during the emergency period of the pandemic. Now that they represent an important asset for the promotion and enhancement of heritage, as a vehicle to attract visitors who have had a preview of what they will find.

A new model of gamification for culture: ICX – Interactive Culture Experience
Pietro Tosco, Heritage

Gamification represents a new frontier of digital communication. The speech will address the issue through the presentation of Interactive Culture Experience, a platform developed by Heritage for user-oriented gamification of cultural content.

AI and Iot Solutions for Cultural Heritage Digital Twins
Ilario gerlero, Concept Reply

The “digital twins”, enabled by real-time monitoring of environmental parameters and predictive modeling software, facilitate an integrated management strategy and the choice of optimal preventive actions for artistic heritage and historical-cultural sites. Reply’s multidisciplinary team applies this methodology in the case of the Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi, subject to a delicate balance between conservation and enhancement for the building and its furnishings and visitor access.

Qroom immersive holographic service desk
Ivano Canteri, Quintetto

The world’s first immersive holographic service desk, enabling real-time remote presence for businesses and services while maintaining the near-physical presence of human interaction and assistance. A patent that integrates AI for multimodal interaction interfaces and services, eliminating the need for expensive local offices and travel.

Archem: Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage in Southern Etruria
Serena Ambrosini, Consoft Sistemi

The project focuses on the experience of fruition from the point of view of the visitor for a model that helps the realities and places of exhibition to improve their proposal, with the consequence of becoming more and more “smart museum”. It intends to intervene on the cultural heritage of Southern Etruria thanks to the support of the Municipalities of Civitavecchia, Tolfa and Unindustria: and in particular to enhance the lesser known heritage, i.e. outside the flows towards the two sites of Cerveteri and Tarquinia with the aim of presenting it and making it accessible to the community through KET (enhancement, fruition and management) and connecting it to the tourist flows of the major sites.

Artificial intelligence in the museum context
Andrea Basso, Synesthesia Innovation

In recent years Synesthesia has extended its area of activity to technological innovation: in this talk we will present the recent projects of Synesthesia Innovation in the field of artificial intelligence applications in the context of culture and in particular in the Piedmontese museum context.

Wikimuseo – a wiki approach to transform museum visitors into contributors
Alessandro Montanari, LiberActa

WikiMuseo is a prototype developed to implement an experimental program started with the national museum system on the occasion of the recent Arthatlon held in the early months of this year and aimed at making the national cultural heritage more usable and transforming visitors into active participants and contributors through a wiki approach and gamification of the visiting experience.

WimTV for art, culture and entertainment
Riccardo Chiariglione, Cedeo

WimTV is the tool with which museums, cultural institutions such as theaters, clubs and organizations on the territory, organizers of events (concerts, shows, demonstrations) can effectively promote and publicize their audiovisual content. Single videos, live broadcasts, palimpsests, with the possibility to rebroadcast them on social networks, TV platforms, digital terrestrial and satellite.

Wireless monitoring for the protection of artistic and archaeological heritage
Andrea Piede, Capetti Elettronica

The wireless technology used in the monitoring of microclimatic conditions in museums and in the control of the lesions of the archaeological and architectural heritage in order to ensure the protection and preservation of the small artefact but also of the great infrastructure.

17:00 – Conclusions and closure


Each participant can request personalized appointments
to each speaker. The meetings will be scheduled in the following days and will take place remotely.

How to participate

The invitation is free and open to all interested companies, members or not.


Torino Social Impact at the RESET workshop

Torino Social Impact will present its model at the first workshop of the RESET – Regions for social economy business development,  scheduled on 1st and 2nd of June.

The RESET project is run in the framework of the “Social Economy Missions” initiative of the European Commission/DG Grow. The objective of the project is to foster policy exchange among regions on ways and instruments to promote the development of the social economy and related support eco-systems. Project leader is Accio, the Catalan Business Development Agency – other partners are POBAL (Ireland), the city of Berlin, the East Sweden Region and REVES, the European network of cities and regions for the social economy that Torino Social Impact has recently entered.

The two-days workshop will explore incubation programmes, strategies and policies to encourage the creation and consolidation of social enterprises. The agenda includes a presentation of the Catalan strategy for the social economy, an online visit to Coòpolisin Barcelona (incubation of cooperatives), presentations from  Region Östergötland, Berlin and Ireland. Torino Social Impact will be on stage on the 1st of June at 11.00 am.

These are the connection details:

Zoom link Day 1 – 1st of June:


Meeting ID: 858 1501 4317

Code: 054472

Zoom link Day 2 –  2nd of June:


Meeting ID: 886 4788 5156

Code: 552343

> Download the Programme

Democrazia Digitale

Democrazia Digitale is a TEDx event held on the online platform Virtual Venue from 24th May to 6th June. The event takes the shape of a relay in which, on June 2nd, 24 local TEDx from all over Italy will follow one another in a marathon of Talks on the theme of the relationship between the digital world and democracy.

The Virtual Venue hosting the marathon will also hold conferences, multiplayer debates and interviews with remarkable personalities on the theme of digital democracy, which can be found on the ‘Agenda’ section on the platform throughout all 12 days.

Civiltà Digitale is the media partner of Democrazia Digitale and the first and main project of Ex Idea, owner of the platform on which the event is held (virtualvenue.stream).

Torino Social Impact at Change NOW 2021

On May 28, 2021, 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm, Torino Social Impact will be among the speakers at Change NOW, the largest gathering dedicated to sustainability and social impact in the world with over 500 speakers from 120 countries and 1000 innovative solutions proposed. Torino Social Impact will speak in one of the Ecosystem Highlights sessions thanks to the invitation of the Global Steering Group for Impact Investing.

Here the link: https://event.changenow.world/en/session/049bd976-79b8-eb11-94b3-000d3a219024

The event will also be the occasion to officially launch a joint initiative of the GSG For Impact Investing and Torino Social Impact in the framework of the National Advisory Board Italy to promote the theme of communication as a strategic one for the affirmation of the impact finance movement.

The GSG was established in August 2015 to complement the work of the Social Impact Investment Task Force set up under the UK presidency of the G8. The GSG currently involves over 32 countries plus the EU as members. Chaired by Sir Ronald Cohen, the GSG brings together leaders from the worlds of finance, business and philanthropy. Italy is one of the GSG members and Torino Social Impact is part of the National Advisory Board Italy through the Turin Chamber of Commerce.

Online a new Bench-Mark episode on OrtiAlti

OrtiAlti is a non-profit organisation of architects, landscape architects, researchers, agronomists and educators involved in the dissemination and experimentation of urban horticultural practices and regeneration of underused areas of the city, such as flat roofs.

Founded in 2015 in Turin on the initiative of architects Elena Carmagnani and Emanuela Saporito, the project crosses the co-design and implementation of community gardens, with the double goal of achieving urban and civic regeneration, helping to make people grow in their ability to take care of common spaces.

In this episode of Bench-Mark, Elena Carmagnani tells us how the city can be changed with public green spaces.

Interview editeb by Francesco Antonioli.

> Watch more episodes of Bench-Mark

27 May 2021 – Mario Calderini at the Digital Conference Broadcasted from Mannheim

On 27 May at 11:30, during Envisioning the future of the social economy in Europe, Mario Calderini, spokesperson for Torino Social Impact, will speak at the European Social Economy Summit #EUSES, the official EU conference for the European social economy in Mannheim, Germany and via digital events. Its aim is to strengthen the social economy in Europe and harness its contribution to economic development, social inclusion as well as green and digital transitions. The discussions will focus on three dimensions: digitalisation of the Social Economy, (social) innovation, Cross-country and cross-sectoral collaboration.

Last 29 April Torino Social Impact organised the event “Partnerships for maximising social impact” as part of the Digital Road to Mannheim.

The #EUSES is an opportunity to bring all stakeholders active in the social economy together.

The registration for the European Social Economy Summit is for free.


Nesta Italia launches the S+T+ARTS URBAN FEST

Torino Social Impact is a network partner of the S+T+ARTS URBAN FEST, a two-day digital festival to inspire, imagine and and debate on the cities of the future.

About this event

How will cutting-edge collaborations between science, technology and the arts help us solve some of the biggest challenges for the city of the future?

Join Nesta Italia on the 29th and 30th of June for the STARTS Urban Fest to find out more about innovative projects and experiences from around the world that are reshaping life in the city, promoting disruptive research approaches to enhance a more sustainable and fair technological development.

Sign up to learn, debate and be inspired by international speakers working in technology, urbanism, design, policymaking, social innovation, science, contemporary arts and much more. They will guide you through a two-days programme dedicated to explore the latest trend in science, technology and arts collaboration for a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Visit the website www.startsurbanfest.eu to stay updated about the agenda and not miss the sessions in live streaming.

STARTS Urban Fest is organised by Nesta Italia in collaboration with Fondazione CRT and OGR Torino, with the support of the European Commission.

Online Seminar – The European Programming 2021-2027: Horizon Europe Programme

After a first event staged last 20 April, the TOP-IX Consortium organises a new online seminar dedicated to the “European Programming 2021-2027: Horizon Europe Programme” on 14 June 2021 from 3pm to 4.30pm.

With this second seminar TOP-IX will once again explore the opportunities of collaboration with its network to trigger synergies at territorial level on the main European themes.

The Keynote Speaker will be ALESSANDRO BARBAGLI, Head of Sector Research Strategy & Programme Coordination, DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission.

The seminar will be moderated by Leonardo Camiciotti, Executive Director of the TOP-IX Consortium.

During the event, Dr Barbagli will illustrate the objectives of the programme and give an overview of the 3 pillars. In particular, there will be a vertical focus on Cluster 4 “Digital, industry and space” and the European Innovation Council will be discussed.

Participation is open to all, after registration on Eventbrite.

For more information, please write to the following email: eventi@top-ix.org

UniCredit Social Impact Banking advances social impact finance measurement standards with a dedicated system

In line with the mission of UniCredit’s Social Impact Banking (SIB) initiative, to concretely contribute to building a fairer and more inclusive society, SIB has developed a new measurement & evaluation (M&E) system together with the think tank Human Foundation, focused on advancing social impact finance measurement standards and maximising the related direct and indirect social outcomes.

The dedicated M&E system allows UniCredit SIB to consistently monitor and evaluate its social impact finance activities across all 11 Group markets where SIB is active: Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia.

The aim is to track performance and the impact generated by comparing expected and achieved results on a continued basis through a tailored framework that also accounts for the characteristics of the different beneficiaries of specific projects. The Human Foundation think tank was chosen as a partner for the development of the M&E system thanks to their work in promoting innovative solutions to societal issues.

Laura Penna, Head of Group Social Impact Banking at UniCredit, commented: “At UniCredit, ESG is part of our DNA and this includes a strong social commitment in all our markets. Our Social Impact Banking programme helps us drive tangible positive social change in our communities and in order to ensure we are always growing our impact and making a real difference, we need to be able to track and measure social impact finance outcomes in a concrete and uniform way. This new measurement & evaluation system has been designed to help us do this effectively as well as make an important contribution for increased transparency and common standards in the wider social impact finance sector.”

The purpose of social impact finance is to create tangible positive social benefits through the financing of projects and initiatives that have the potential to deliver such outcomes. The sector has significantly grown worldwide in recent years[1] and we expect this trend to accelerate driven by the effects of the Covid-19 crisis.

This context increases the need for clear and common measurement methods to ensure the credibility of impact finance activities and avoid the risk of “impact washing”[2]. It is also important for the beneficiaries of impact finance programmes to guarantee a level playing field, agreement on specific KPIs for each project and increase transparency in the selection process.

UniCredit’s social impact finance offer is aimed at supporting social innovation as a driver of change through loans at advantageous conditions as well as providing financial training and access to relevant partnerships and networks. A “pay for success” mechanism is integral to the offer to allow for additional economic benefits to the project / initiative based on the successful achievement of agreed social impact goals. In addition, UniCredit’s Social Impact Banking programme is also committed to inclusive finance, supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses through microcredit and to financial education to encourage greater financial knowledge and social inclusion that can empower active citizenship.

To find more information on the M&E system please refer to the SIB Position Paper here.

For more information on UniCredit Social Impact Banking, please see here.

About UniCredit

UniCredit is a simple successful pan-European Commercial Bank, with a fully plugged in CIB, delivering a unique Western, Central and Eastern European network to its extensive client franchise. UniCredit offers both local and international expertise to its clients, providing them with unparalleled access to leading banks in its 13 core markets through its European banking network: Italy, Germany, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. Leveraging on an international network of representative offices and branches, UniCredit serves clients in another 16 countries worldwide.

Enquiries: mediarelations@unicredit.eu


[1] Total impact investing market value was estimated at USD 502 billion as of end of 2018 (GIIN, 2019).

[2] “Impact washing” refers to the process of any bank, firm or fund using the social / environmental impact narrative for reputational and market purposes, but not contributing to the achievement of any tangible positive impact (IDS, 2019).

Torino Proxima. On May 19 the launch event

On Wednesday May 19, 2021, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation and SocialFare are launching TorinoProxima, an event to reflect on the cultural and economic dimension of proximity as an enabling element for building an empathetic and accessible future for Torino.


Economy and culture of proximity
to design the near future of our city today

Online event

A unique appointment to reflect together on the cultural and economic dimension of proximity as an enabling element to build the close, empathetic and accessible future of Torino:

  • The presentation of the new book by Ezio Manzini, Abitare la prossimità. Ideas for the city of 15 minutes, Egea Edizioni.
  • The launch event of Torino Proxima, the new programme of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation created with SocialFare to accompany civic and cultural projects towards the creation of social impact enterprises through the unique and relevant declination of proximity.


Moderator: Stefano Arduini, Director of Vita.

Followed by a Q&A session

The live audience will be able to ask questions through Facebook and YouTube chat.

The event will be broadcast live on SocialFare‘s Facebook and YouTube channels.

At this link the always updated calendar of events: click here.

Talent Garden Fondazione Agnelli on Bench-Mark

There are emblematic places in Turin that give an idea of its evolution and its way of being. For example, Via Giacosa 38, the street address of the Fondazione Agnelli, was the expression of Italy in the 1960s and of a city that was essentially monocentric and mono-industrial, built around Fiat.
Over the years this has all changed, and the Foundation has shifted and concentrated its focus on higher education, thanks also to the important partnership with Talent Garden.

Barbara Graffino, Co Founder of Talent Garden Fondazione Agnelli, tells us about the meaning of “hybrid platform” and a particular project on which 12 subjects from Turin’s technological innovation ecosystem are working.


Interview by Francesco Antonioli for Bench-Mark.

CUAP – II Edition. Presented the project work “Orto in Condotta”

The University Course of Professional Development (CUAP) in Social Impact Assessment, aimed at those who wish to enhance their knowledge and skills in the field of impact assessment, is organised by the Department of Management of the University of Turin and as part of the activities promoted by the Competence Centre on Social Impact Measurement.

The second edition of the course ended on 10 May, the day on which all participants presented the final outputs of the course: 14 group projects in which future certified impact assessors tried their hand at carrying out a real impact assessment. Here are the results.

The first group we would like to introduce you is composed of Davide Matteo Lasagno – Anteo Impresa Sociale, Maria MancusoSlow Food Italia Asps, Elena Menin – Consulta per le Persone in Difficoltà Odv, Giulia Sala – MinD and PUSH and Federica Serafini – Genera Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus.

The group experimented with the realization of the impact assessment of the “Orto in Condotta” project, one of the main food and environmental education tools for children created by the Slow Food Italia Aps Association. Designed specifically for younger age groups, it is aimed primarily at nursery and elementary school, as it is important to acquire correct eating habits from an early age.

Updating the 2020 New Industrial Strategy: Building a stronger Single Market for Europe’s recovery

The EU has published an update of the EU Industrial Strategy, with the aim of driving the transition to a more sustainable, digital, resilient and globally competitive economy.

So far, 14 industrial ecosystems across the EU have been identified on the basis of their economic and technological relevance, and for their expected contribution to the decarbonisation, digitisation and resilience of the European economy. Social economy is one of them.

The relevance of the social economy benefits from the international work of Torino Social Impact, through its spokesperson Mario Calderini, who was heard last October by European Commissioners Thierry Breton (Internal Market) and Nicolas Schmit (Labour and Social Rights) on the new PAct for Skill and the Social Economy Action Plan.
Last February, Professor Calderini also participated in the workshop of the EU Science, Research and Innovation in Seville Ecosyste for high growth enterprises, with a study on “A New Entrepreneurial Genre for High Potential Inclusive Growth”.

Read the EU Industrial Strategy.

The campaign to digitise the third sector continues: join Tech4good! Contenuto

The collection of initiatives to join the Tech4Good project, which allows organisations providing services to the Third Sector to gain visibility and get in touch with ETS, is still ongoing.

DO YOU PROVIDE SERVICES TO THE THIRD SECTOR? Fill in these two short forms to allow project partners to include you in the Tech4Good service map.

1- Tell them about yourself: FILL IN THE FORM

2- Tell us about your technological projects and activities for the social world: FILL IN THE FORM

What is Tech4Good

With the project Tech4Good, Torino Social Impact – together with Fondazione Torino Wireless, Nesta Italia and Incubatore Imprese Innovative of the University of Torino – is the promoter of coordinated actions for the digitalisation of the third sector and the experimentation of new and emerging technologies that offer new possibilities to face and solve the problems of the community. Find out more!

European Social Innovation Competition 2021

The entry period for the 2021 European Social Innovation Competition is coming to a close. The deadline for submitting entries is Wednesday 12th May, 12pm CEST.

The European economy is changing. The coming years will see a shift towards a green and digital future. These twin transitions present individuals, businesses and industries with exciting opportunities. Understanding the skills that will be needed and how best to develop them will be key to unlocking these opportunities for individuals and organisations alike.

This Competition aims to incentivise, support and reward social innovations that will help people and organisations to identify, develop and strengthen the skills they will need to adapt and thrive in a changing world. The Competition is looking for early stage ideas that tackle these needs in a range of different ways. From innovative solutions that identify skills needs and gaps to skills development approaches, including but not limited to training.

Coming up: Wednesday 5th May – 3pm CEST

The fourth and final launch webinar is a practical session to support the potential contestants who might need a steer through the application process.

Register for the webinar here.

The session will cover general information about the Competition, as well as practical information on the application process, the objectives, phases, and rules of the contest, as well as support packages and events. Contestants will have the opportunity to ask questions and exchange with the Competition team and partners.

Monica Boța-Moisin (lawyer, cultural sustainability consultant and Co-Founder of WhyWeCraft – winner of the 2020 European Social Innovation Competition) will share the WhyWeCraft journey with the 2020 Social Innovation Competition: Reimagine Fashion, from submitting the expression of interest for entering the Competition from Mumbai, India, to how the Social Innovation Academy enabled the team to develop a compelling action plan for reviving the textile crafts of Europe and reviving the emotional connection between people and garments.

Monica will join the webinar from Romania where she currently coordinates the first stage of the WhyWeCraft pilot project implementation: the artisan onboarding and capacity building program.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to Monica and the competition team and partners.

Job Film Days – Cinema for the workers’ rights

The Turin Chamber of commerce is launching the Job for the Future (JFD) Award for the 2021 edition of the Job Film Days, dedicated to short films made in the European Union by directors under 40 that tell the story of “emerging” jobs and the challenges of contemporary work. Works, both published and unpublished, with a maximum duration of 30 minutes, produced after January 1, 2019, are eligible to participate.

The work of the future in all its meanings, from technological innovation to the green economy, from smart working to social responsibility: these are the themes that will be the background to the works that will compete for the following awards: Prize for the best short film (5,000 Euros), Prize for the best director (3,000 Euros), Prize for the best subject on the Italian reality (2,000 Euros).

Job Film Days (JFD) is the film festival dedicated to the themes of work and rights that this year will take place from September 22 to September 26, 2021.

CUAP “Social Impact Assessment”: results presentation

The second edition of the CUAP “Social Impact Assessment” course is coming to an end. On May 3 and 10, in fact, the participants will present the final outputs of the course: 14 group projects in which the future certified impact evaluators have experienced the realization of a real impact assessment.

The two days, together with May 24, the day of the conference that will also host the virtual delivery of the new certifications, represent the conclusion of the course, this year delivered entirely online.

An exceptional audience will take part in the three days: in addition to all teachers, in fact, will also be present the first impact evaluators, certified last year. The initiative is part of the continuous training on the subject, one of the fundamental aspects promoted by the organizers of the course.

Here are the numbers of the second edition:

  • 70 new “future” impact evaluators
  • About 40 different third sector organizations, foundations and professionals involved
  • 5 Italian regions reached
  • More than 10 teachers for 40 hours of frontal training

Given the success, the organizing committee is already working on the design of a new edition.

May 9 2021 – Googreen Biodiversity Market

On Sunday 9th May 2021, the #Googreen biodiversity market celebrates Mother Nature and all forms of love and care at Giardino Sambuy, which, like every second Sunday of the month, comes back to life to be a place of encounter, good practices and seasonal harvests.

  • From 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. – Googreen producers selected by Giardino Forbito will be back, as always, to represent seasonal excellence.
  • This month’s “Spazio delle Idee” is dedicated to reciprocity and the ability to care. To celebrate this day dedicated to parenthood, guests in the garden will be the representatives of the municipal offices of the Casa dell’Affido (Foster Care Home), a valuable department of the Social Services of Turin which, this year too, has involved numerous families who have made their homes available, with love and generosity, to temporarily take in a child, and sometimes, even a baby with his or her mother.
  • Clown Ida, a foster father himself, will entertain young and old alike with the magic of his bubbles and tricks for the children.
  • Googreen producer Marzia Gullino will compose delicious rose wreaths for the children present and all families will be given a Googreen shopping bag.
  • In the afternoon, in the name of love for reading and for books to be saved, Stefania Bertola will present to the friends of Silent Book Torino “Il giardino di guerriglia” (The guerrilla garden), a year of happy battles between women and green.
  • Presentation of the project “DOTTA. L’Adozione Googreen”, the new Giardino forbito initiative aimed at rethinking adoption and the discovery of the animal world at a distance.
  • Giardino forbito continues to celebrate the birth of the first Association for the knowledge and protection of biodiversity and pollinators, supporting the collection of signatures promoted by the European Union: “save bees and farmers“.
  • The lowered shutters of the Sambuy gazebo continue to support the small precious exhibition curated by Giardino forbito and created by the apprentice Ciceroni of class 5E of the Regina Margherita High School in Turin for the “FAI parlare la città” project.

From data to knowledge: I3S goes live

Working tables between the third sector and ICT start

On Friday 23 April, representatives from the social world worked with ICT companies and Torino Wireless to come up with new ideas to generate more effective processes and better services.

The first meeting, organised by the Torino Wireless Foundation, was attended by five ETSAgrideaArcobalenoIl MargineP.G. FrassatiSan Donato – and five ICT companies – iMprontaInfotech SystemKoinè SistemimyDonor Società BenefitTc-Web. The dialogue was facilitated thanks to the guidance of an innovation manager from Confcooperative Piemonte Nord.

The objective of collaborative design was firstly to understand how best to exploit data to enable ETS to create efficiencies on internal processes, as well as to better understand what opportunities there are to create new services and enable decision-making on the basis of more accessible and understandable information.

The working methodology set up by the Links Foundation included the use of innovative tools, such as Mural, the design thinking platform, which enabled the team to exploit visual thinking to organise, share and develop new ideas, even though the people involved worked remotely. Interactive notice boards and murals composed of images, writing and post-its were created on the virtual whiteboard, through which numerous ideas for design ideas for solutions not yet on the market emerged.

The next appointments are:

  • Friday 30 April on ‘The user at the centre: user-driven innovation’
  • Friday 7 May on ‘Networking – Networking Platform Innovation’
  • Friday 14 May on ‘The Digital Transformation Process’
An image of the interactive mural used during the working table.

What is I3S – Innovation for the Third Sector

The world of volunteering and social entrepreneurship is among those most affected by the Coronavirus crisis. The pandemic has inescapably highlighted the need and opportunity to invest in transforming the way most services are delivered: what role can technology play?

Torino Wireless together with TSI and the Turin Chamber of Commerce as part of the Tech4Good activities of the strategic plan of Torino Social Impact, involved in the Progetto I3S – Innovazione Digitale per il Terzo Settore representative bodies (Confcooperative, Lega COOP, VOL.TO) and 16 third sector bodies, including social cooperatives, networks and voluntary associations, to identify innovation needs and work together with ICT companies, first and foremost those from the Digital 4 Social Value Chain of the ICT Cluster, to devise and experiment with new digital solutions.

The ultimate goal of the I3S project is the creation of a programme to accelerate the digital and technological transformation of the third sector, realised with the strong involvement of its protagonists and specifically tailored to their specific needs, replicable and scalable to extend the initiative to more and more realities.

Impact Conference 2021 – 27-28 APRIL

The fourth edition of Impact Conference gathers the audiences of two European Interreg projects – Interreg being one of the goals of the EU Cohesion Policy in the 2014-2020 period: the DelFin project, promoting social entrepreneurship in rural regions across Germany, Hungary, Croatia and Italy, and CE Responsible -Empowering Social Business in Central Europe, which connects entrepreneurs with social entrepreneurs in nine EU countries, through a developed platform.

Like everyone else, so does this year’s Impact Conference move online where we continue to share experiences about what entrepreneurial and community impact means in 2021.

Apart from the newcomers, the event welcomes all other change-makers to sprout relationships, talk about burning challenges in the new normal, and develop ideas with the purpose of creating a meaningful social impact.

For more information: https://www.impactconference.net/

Torino Social Impact takes first place in the Mediastars Award for the category Public Communication – Internet section

The cycle of the Jury’s days for the evaluation of the 500 projects competing in the XXV edition of the Mediastars Advertising Technical Award has come to an end. 222 professionals from agencies and companies from all over Italy took part in the remote jury appointments and 12,987 voting mails were received, confirming the organisation as the most representative in the sector in terms of participation across the country, thanks to the continuous work carried out to seek out and reward Italian creative realities.

For the Internet & Multimedia competition area, Torino Social Impact won first place on the podium for the Public Communication category and a Special Start for Creative Direction.

For the XXV edition of the Mediastars Award were evaluated Advertising campaigns (Print, Outdoor, TV, Radio), Internet sites, Advertising on Line campaigns, Viral, Social Media, Promotion campaigns, Social campaigns, Branded Content Entertainment, creation of PR Events, Corporate Identity projects, Direct Marketing and Packaging Design, Multimedia APP, Institutional Videos, Infographics, Signatures and Videoclips, socio-cultural campaigns, CSR, social ethics and No Profit.

Mediastars in this edition has received entries from agencies from twelve Italian regions with a representation of thirty-five provincial capitals.

In addition, great interest and participation was confirmed for all the Jury appointments, which featured professionals and delegates from companies and agencies from all over Italy, northern Europe and even overseas in Canada and Brazil.

The award ceremony will take place at the end of June.

The Torino Social Impact website has been developed by Tembo, whom we thank for the stimulating collaboration.

ARCI Torino is the protagonist of the ninth episode of Bench-Mark

ARCI is a well-known acronym in Italy. Founded near Florence at the end of the 1950s, its strong mutualistic and democratic vocation has contributed over the years to the construction of the country.

Today, the association promotes culture, sociality and solidarity through practices that focus on the protagonism of the member, their ability to participate, to decide and to network with others their skills and competences.

The Turin Territorial Committee, a partner of Torino Social Impact, plays a coordinating and networking role among the associations affiliated to it. Daniele Mandarano (vice-president of Arci Torino) and Elisabetta Bosio (collaborator for the #Fooding project) told us how Arci Torino is reacting to the great difficulties generated by the pandemic crisis that the socio-cultural sector is facing.

The Bench-Mark column is edited by Francesco Antonioli. All episodes on our YouTube channel and on our Facebook page.


Googreen online shopping is now available!

Due to the pressure and discontent that many categories are facing today, the Googreen Biodiversity Market of April has been canceled.

Giardino Forbito does not stop and wants to support the virtuous realities of the territory with all its tools.

From today, a small platform with the producers of Googreen market will allow you to reach their e-commerce and their menus of the week, for a shopping at a distance, but still sustainable.

Clic HERE to visit the website and support them!

Gabriella Galli and Deborah Bianchi – Soil is the key to everything


What kind of agriculture can regenerate our soil? Deborah and Gabriele of Podere Bianchi Galli in Marena, near Parma, started their farm in the Apennines four years ago. They raise Cornigliese Sheep (Slow Food Presidium) as well as Ciuta sheep, pasture-raised hens and donkeys. They consider these allies in their work, and know how to rotate them on the pastures effectively: first the sheep, then the donkeys, and then the hens. This allows their soil to remain fertile, rich and productive.

They have horticultural gardens too and continue to practice their previous profession: training dogs, a job that’s as important as ever in this area in order to live alongside the wolves that have repopulated these mountains. It’s not a conventional farm, by any means, but an example of permaculture.

In this Food Talk, they tell us what it means to farm in this way, preserving the fertility of the land and producing high-quality meat in a beautiful environment. The soil is key to everything, and animals are powerful allies.

The Food Talks are a new and freely accessible format of Terra Madre Salone del Gusto: ten minutes for our guests to explore their thoughts on the world we live in, and the future we want for it!


  • Event languages: IT, EN
  • Online event

The eighth episode of Bench-Mark with Codex is now online

With Bench-Mark, we tell about the value that the different realities adhering to Torino Social Impact are giving in interpreting the impact economy.

This time, we sit on the bench with Rosalba La Grotteria and Francesca Vanzetti, members of Codex, a development agency, founded between 1987 and 1988 in cooperative form, which offers consultancy on issues relating to the European Union, local economic development, and labor policies.

Interview by Francesco Antonioli.

The eighth episode of Bench-Mark with CODEX is now online

With Bench-Mark, we tell about the value that the different realities adhering to Torino Social Impact are giving in interpreting the impact economy.

This time, we sit on the bench with Rosalba La Gratteria and Francesca Vanzetti, members of CODEX, a development agency, founded between 1987 and 1988 in cooperative form, which offers consultancy on issues relating to the European Union, local economic development, and labor policies.

Interview by Francesco Antonioli.

Torino Social Impact partner di GSG for the Impact Narrative Award 2021

The Global Steering Group for Impact Investments (GSG)Torino Social Impact and Social Impact Agenda per l’Italia, the Italian National Advisory Board, have joined forces to launch the Impact Narrative Awards, the first-ever award dedicated to communication about impact investing.

The word “impact” is proliferating in marketing strategies, but an effective and compelling narrative about impact investing is still lacking. Impact investment means optimizing risk, return and impact to benefit people and the planet. Impact investment does so by setting specific social and environmental objectives alongside financial ones and measuring their achievement.

The Impact Narrative Awards aims to identify best-in-class examples of impact investing stories used to persuade financial institutions and governments to put their full weight behind the impact. By honoring excellence in communication, we can strengthen the narratives used to promote impact investing and help our community to speak with one voice. In doing so, we elevate the profile of impact investing and enable it to expand around the world, bringing benefits to people and the planet.

The winners will be announced on October 7, 2021, to 1,500 impact professionals at the GSG Global Impact Summit.

SmartCommunities Conference

SmartCommunities conference is the annual national meeting organised by the Italian SmartCommunities Cluster.

It will be held online on the 13th April 2021 from 9.00 to 17.00 and will be mainly in Italian, with the exception of some of the key speakers.

The Conference 2021 is focused on Digital Transformation and intends to propose a reflection and a comparison to look carefully at the Covid-19 changes, understand how the digital transition has changed and is changing our communities and their needs, and propose solutions to seize new opportunities from this “new normality”.

The conference will have an opening session and 3 thematic sessions presenting innovation projects for the management of urban and metropolitan areas, particularly in 3 topics:

  • Smart and collaborative mobility (intelligent mobility of goods and people).
  • Smart and secure living (urban security, protection of the territory and critical infrastructures, prevention of critical or risk events, IT security of data and their use)
  • Smart and inclusive government (relationship between public administrations and citizens, participation and social inclusion, processes and service management).

For further information and agenda, visit www.smartcommunitiestech.it/scc-2021/agenda/

11/4 – Mercato della Biodiversità Googreen

On Sunday 11 April 2021, with spring now in full swing, the #Googreen Biodiversity Market celebrates active nature and all its potential at Giardino Sambuy, which, like every second Sunday of the month, comes back to life to be a place for meeting, good practices, exchanges and seasonal stories.

  • From 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. – Googreen producers selected by Giardino Forbito will be back, as always, to represent seasonal excellence.

This month’s Spazio delle Idee is dedicated, on the subject of active nature, to the knowledge and application of the plants and herbs most useful to our well-being.

  • 11 am: HEMP. An appointment with Maestro Bruno Tessa, hemp spinner from Coazze and a profound connoisseur of history, who will talk about this ancient craft and what an incredible plant hemp is. In collaboration with Ecomuseo di Coazze and live on Facebook.
  • 12pm: NATURAL DYES. An appointment with Claudio Vitali, the story of Passione Natura and the years dedicated to phytotherapeutic research, to the precious medicines distilled from cannabis, rosemary, thyme and the infinite range offered by nature. Live on Facebook.
  • 2 p.m.: ARTEMISIA. Appointment with Stefano Nervi, organic mugwort grower, who collects and dries the buds naturally to make infusions, tisanes and decoctions, oleoliths, mother tinctures, toothpastes, bitters and syrups, dream pads, smudges and cigars for moxa. Live on Facebook.
  • 4 pm: SAGE. An appointment with herb master Marco Gramaglia to discover what is much more than a kitchen herb, and whose name already contains the answer to its innumerable powers. Live on Facebook.

And then, like every Sunday, let’s protect biodiversity by supporting the collection of signatures promoted by the European Union: “Let’s save bees and farmers” and the lowered shutters of the Sambuy gazebo will remain in support of the small precious exhibition for the “FAI parlare la città” project.

Online the seventh episode of Bench-Mark with Giardino forbito

Giardino forbito is a cultural association that crosses biodiversity, attention to green and urban regeneration, with the aim of giving new life to abandoned places.

In the Sambuy gardens of Piazza Carlo Felice, every second Sunday of the month is organized Googreen, a market of biosustainability with producers of excellence.
Right here we met the president of Giardino Forbito Antonella Giani, who told us the story of this reality partner of Torino Social Impact.

The interview is by Francesco Antonioli.


> View more episodes of Bench-Mark

TSI Ecosystem in Action – Mapping for social innovation

To encourage the strengthening of the ecosystem and the collective dimension, a path has been started to enable the involvement and the protagonism of the partners.

On November 25, 2020, during the Assembly of Torino Social Impact, it was started four working groups: Innovation Mapping, Impact Finance, Tech4Good, Internationalization. The aim of these groups is to give space to the emerging planning in these areas, to integrate and update the masterplan of Torino Social Impact and to define planning.

From an initial analysis of the needs of the 25 partners who took part in the working group on mapping for social innovation, there emerged a clear need to establish a profitable relationship between the local market and the third sector, which are still struggling to cooperate, but also an internal network within the third sector that facilitates networking. There is also a strong need for external representation.

There are 3 tracks that the group follows to arrive at the mapping proposal:

  • Knowing. What is the purpose of mapping?
  • Disseminate. How is Torino Social Impact perceived from the outside?
  • Interact. How can Torino Social Impact actors improve their internal communication?

The working group is coordinated by TSI partners Hackability, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, Open Incet and Torino Urban Lab.

Three Webinars to present the Report “Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development”.

“Emerging technologies for sustainable development” is the first research report realized in the Social Tech Lab program, a project by Nesta Italia, supported by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, in the context of Torino Social Impact. Thanks to the precious collaboration of six different research partners, in the report the most used emerging technologies are analyzed and, through the analysis of some international case studies, their potential of social impact is highlighted.

Associazione Italiana Sviluppo Marketing (AISM), in collaboration with Nesta Italia, organizes three online webinars to deepen together with the authors of the research the potential of emerging technologies to accelerate a path of sustainable development.

Appointment on April 8, 21 and 28 at 17:00 on Zoom.

The webinars will also be broadcast on the Facebook channel of the Italian Association of Marketing Development at this link https://www.facebook.com/AssociazioneItalianaMarketing

Multiplayer Local Partnerships for the Social Economy

In the framework of the Digital Road to Mannheim promoted by the European Commission on April 29th, 2021, at 1:00 pm, Torino Social Impact contributes to the event Partnerships for maximizing social impact by organizing one of the working sessions.

The session “Multiplayer Local Partnerships for the Social Economy” will compare some EU cases, provide academic analysis and explore how these forms of cooperation strengthen the innovation capabilities of the partners, letting innovative solutions more likely to emerge than in situations where actors are acting alone without coordination. In addition to the clear advantages (knowledge sharing, advocacy, resources pooling, shared services, joint promotion, etc) local partnership, similarly to clusters mechanisms, lay on high-quality synergies and are able to facilitate profitable inner exchanges, boosting solutions and their scalability and replicability. These frameworks have proven their effectiveness during the COVID-19 outbreak emergency, when fast information circulation and quick actors coordination turned to be essential to meet the needs of different communities and people’s groups, and are now playing a key role in the recovery programs.

Check out the program:


  • Mario Calderini, spokesman of Torino Social Impact and full professor Politecnico of Milano
  • Karel Vanderpoorten, Policy Officer Social Economy DG Grow
  • Luigi Martignetti, Secretary General of REVES

Good practices

  • Anders Bro, Coordinator Partnership for Social Innovation Örebro County
  • Elisa Rosso, Senior Advisor and Projects Coordinator, Torino Social Impact
  • Coos Santing, Programm Manager Impact Economy, ImpactCity The Hague

Session Moderator: Raffaella Scalisi, Senior Advisor Torino Social Impact

More information

Register here

Follow #EUSES on:

LINKS Foundation is the protagonist of the sixth episode of Bench-Mark

The LINKS Foundation, born from an agreement between the Polytechnic of Turin and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, has been presiding over technical-scientific disciplines falling within the fields of engineering and architecture, making use of the work of 150 researchers.

In the Cittadella Politecnica, we met Micaela and Mirko, who at LINKS deal with applied research, technology transfer and, collaterally, social impact.

The interview is by Francesco Antonioli.


March 25 marks the start of the first Policy Lab of the “Top Metro Fa Bene” project

Thursday 25th  March 2021 the first Policy Lab “Regenerating public policies starting from local communities – designing the scenario”, organized as part of the “Top Metro Fa Bene” project, promoted by the Metropolitan City of Turin in partnership with S-Nodi.

Participation reserved to members of the partners involved from the Municipalities of Collegno, Grugliasco, Moncalieri, Rivoli and Venaria and the Consortia directly involved in the co-design, the first Policy Lab will be a training event that will see the participation of Fabrizio Barca, Coordinator of the Inequalities and Diversity Forum and Mario Calderini, Spokesperson of Torino Social Impact and Director of Tiresia, and will also see the important contribution of Carlo Anselmi, Director of the Area Coesione Sociale Consorzio Ovest Solidale, Mario Lupo, Director of the Economic Development Department of the Metropolitan City of Turin, Marzia Sica, Head of Obiettivo Persone of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, Carlo Chiama, Director of Confesercenti of Turin and Province and Pierluigi Dovis, Director of the Diocesan Caritas Turin Office. Partners and panelists will discuss local and national challenges to unlock the potential of the territories by developing sustainable local ecosystems.

> More info

TSI Ecosystem in Action – Tech4Good

To encourage the strengthening of the ecosystem and the collective dimension, a path has been started to enable the involvement and the protagonism of the partners.

On November 25, 2020, during the Assembly of Torino Social Impact, it was started four working groups: Innovation Mapping, Impact Finance, Tech4Good, Internationalization. The aim of these groups is to give space to the emerging planning in these areas, to integrate and update the masterplan of Torino Social Impact and to define planning.

What is the definition of Tech4Good for the Turin ecosystem? How the actors of the ecosystem innovate their projects and their organization through the use of technology as an enabler for social impact? These were the starting question for a working group coordinated by Nesta Italia, Torino Wireless and 2i3t.

15 subjects have shared project proposals and reflections on tech4good definition. The goal is to map the tech4good project active or designed in Turin.

The work of the group is proceeding with a common definition, the analysis of the possible synergies between the projects of the different organisations. Next meetings scheduled in March and April.

The EU chooses Turin as the only Italian seat for the Competence Center for Social Innovation

The City of Turin through the European Funds and Innovation Sector has won, as leader, the European project called EaSI, “Competence Centers for Social Innovation”.

“It is a very important success that seals the role of Turin as one of the most important centers in the world for Social Innovation and impact finance – says Mario Calderini, spokesperson for Torino Social Impact -. It is no coincidence that Turin has been chosen as the venue for two international events that have been included by the specialized press among the ten most important in the world in 2021 and the European Commission has presented the case of Turin as one of the guiding examples in the construction of the Social Economy Action Plan that will be launched in a few months”.

“This recognition is the result of the efforts made to consolidate in Turin a unique ecosystem in the field of social innovation – says Marco Pironti, Councillor for Innovation of the City of Turin -. The Center will represent a fundamental tool for a real long-term impact on the territory, strengthening the role of experimenter of social innovation practices, also through the funds of the Pon Metro”.

The EaSI (Employment and Social Innovation) program is a European financial instrument that aims to promote a high level of sustainable and quality employment, ensure adequate and decent social protection, combat exclusion and poverty, and improve working conditions.

The objective of the project is to support the creation and development of a National Competence Center for Social Innovation, with the functions of: capacity building of key social innovation stakeholders; transnational knowledge transfer; creating synergies between the EaSI program and the ESF (European Social Fund), especially with a view to designing, supporting, monitoring and integrating innovative actions that could be extended and/or replicated using ESF funds in the coming years; networking to network and cooperate with other selected Centers of Competence, using mutual learning and jointly developing, evaluating and optimizing relevant methods and tools also collecting and disseminating inspiring examples, models and practices.

With this project – whose total budget is about 900 thousand euros – we want to build a bridge between public policies and social practices in order to integrate Social Innovation in Italy and partner countries as a human-centered approach to innovation, able to promote technological development and at the same time address the most urgent social and societal challenges.

The strategy is to create a National Center of Competence on Social Innovation as a platform to connect public policies and communities of practice in order to facilitate mutual understanding, foster better cooperation and increase the capacity of policymakers and practitioners to promote the theme in the country (and abroad).

The Center, therefore, aims to facilitate the promotion, mainstreaming and upscaling of social innovation based on the specific characteristics of the context of each partner involved, building on a strong strategic partnership between public authorities, universities and research centers, intermediaries and practitioners who share a common vision of social innovation as a key driver for inclusive and sustainable European development. To this end it will support and coordinate the nascent Centers in Greece, Romania and Slovenia.

A Steering Committee will be set up at the Italian level, composed of ANPAL, the Managing Authority of the Inclusion PON and the Pon Metro with coordination and guidance functions.

The project – whose partners are Fondazione Brodolini, Politecnico di Milano, University of Bologna, Politecnico di Torino, Euricse, Fondazione Italia Sociale – has gathered the support of over 30 Italian public and private stakeholders.

Online the fifth episode of Bench-Mark with PerMicro

In ten years, 4.250 families and entrepreneurs have been able to take advantage of microcredit support, which has allowed them to re-enter a circuit where they had been excluded from the traditional credit system. This is the action of PerMicro, one of the most important microcredit companies in Italy and partner of Torino Social Impact.

On the Bench-Mark bench sits PerMicro’s CEO Benigno Imbriato, who tells us about the social impact of microcredit on the territory.

The interview is by Francesco Antonioli.

Turin: a high social impact city

“How Social Impact and Circular Economy meet Digital Transformation” is the title of the first workshop organised by the European Journal of Social Impact and Circular Economy, published by the University of Turin. A completely online event that will see academics and businesses from the Turin area confront each other in an open debate on how digital transformation is changing and evolving social impact and the circular economy.

The event will be opened by the Rector of the University – Prof. Stefano Geuna, the Director of the Department of ManagementProf. Francesca Culasso and the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine, Prof. Paolo Biancone. The online meeting will also be a new opportunity to highlight the strategic importance of our city in terms of Social Impact. The Department of Management, in fact, is one of the partners of Torino Social Impact within the Social Entrepreneurship Committee, as well as being one of the promoters and organisers of the university refresher course “Social Impact Assessment”, which currently has over 150 students. The online event will be open to the public upon registration at socialimpact.management@unito.it.

To follow the workshop: click here

Here the full workshop program

Ten social impact events for 2021

Pioneerspost reports on the 10 impact events not to be missed in 2021. Among these is the Ashoka Changemaker Summit in Torino.

Esela – 8-31 March

The virtual conference run by Esela, the legal network for social impact, attracts lawyers, businesses, investors and policy makers. Various online sessions will take place each week, focusing on impact investing, purpose-led business, environment, sustainability, business and human rights and ESG. The conference promises “curated networking”, knowledge sharing on legal structures and deals, and discussion of market developments.

Tickets for non-members are €207, or you can become a member of Esela from €20 per year.

Skoll World Forum – 13-15 April

The Skoll Foundation’s flagship event, the Skoll World Forum, gathers social entrepreneurs, innovators, thought leaders and artists from around the world to advance solutions to pressing global problems. Formerly held in Oxford, England and invitation-only, this year’s Virtual Forum is open to all and will focus on ‘Closing the Distance’, a theme that will “examine local and global divides” and how to mend them. This year, key speakers include Audrey Tang, Taiwan’s minister responsible for social innovation, and chef José Andrés, founder of World Central Kitchen.

Registration for this 18th edition is free and more information will follow in the coming months. Check the Frequently Asked Questions page for details.

Impact Summit – 19-20 May

Scotland’s Impact Summit is for anyone from business, government and education who’s interested in a values-led economy. Head to the website on 19-20 May to find talks focusing on people, the planet and technology, with leaders from Yunus Social Business, Ben & Jerry’s Europe and ethical search engine Ecosia. There are also chances to network and explore exhibitor stands in a virtual marketplace.

This year Impact Summit is operating a ‘pay what you can model’, with suggested fees from £10 to £100.

ChangeNow Summit – 27-29 May

The ChangeNow Summit promotes itself as a space to discover, test, and discuss innovations and solutions to urgent global issues. Speakers this year include civil rights activist and co-founder of New York’s Black Lives Matter movement Chivona Renée Newsome and economist and co-founder of Doughnut Economics Action Lab Kate Raworth. There’s the opportunity to visit The World Expo for demos of innovations for the planet, as well as numerous networking events.

The summit will take place over three days in the new Grand Palais Ephemere in Paris, but full digital access is also available.

Early bird tickets for digital access are €90 until 31 March, and €90-€250 for in-person attendance.

Social Enterprise World Forum – September/October

The Social Enterprise World Forum typically draws thousands of social entrepreneurs and innovators from across the globe, moving to a new location each year. It went online for the first time last year, and in 2021 will run four separate events throughout the year.

The main World Forum is planned for September or October, with plans for a hybrid online and face-to-face event. SEWF is partnering with Common Good Solutions in eastern Canada as it spotlights the country, with key themes including climate change, young people, social procurement, economic recovery and indigenous social enterprises.

Other events include SEWF Policy Forum on 27-28 April, the SEWF Rural Forum on 8-9 June, and the SEWF Academic Forum in November.

More details on all these events coming soon – keep an eye on SEWF’s website.

Ashoka Changemaker Summit – September-December

Another hybrid event, the Ashoka Changemaker Summit takes place in Turin in December, with online sessions and networking taking place online beforehand, from September to November.

The focus will be on unlocking the potential for change in the areas including children and youth, climate, technology, gender and diversity. Sessions aim to promote learning and building trust, and are targeted at leaders from business or philanthropy looking to expand the impact of their organisation or portfolio, as well as the global Ashoka community of social entrepreneurs and their support network.

GSG Impact Summit – 6-8 October

The annual GSG Impact Summit – hosted by the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment – was due to take place in South Africa last year, but like many, took place online instead. The summit attracts impact entrepreneurs, investors and intermediaries, and last year had more than 1,500 participants from 73 countries.

This year’s event, again online, will discuss “the best impact initiatives and real-world examples”, and share “practical tools and solutions to empower and inspire”, according to GSG. Keep an eye on their website for more information to come.

Socap – 18-22 October

San Francisco’s Social Capital Markets conference is online again this year. It’s for social entrepreneurs, investors, foundations and policy makers wanting to explore impact investing. Attendees (5,000 are expected) can follow live and pre-recorded sessions, attend an interactive marketplace and join networking meet-ups. Speakers and agenda coming soon.

Early bird tickets are available (until 29 May) for $199.

Social Value Matters – 20-21 October

Social Value International and Social Value Thailand are co-hosting Social Value Matters 2021, bringing together voices from impact investing, academia, policy making and corporate sustainability. After going virtual last year, the 2021 conference will be held in Bangkok, Thailand for those able to attend, in parallel with a virtual event for a global audience.

Looking at the rapid global response to Covid-19, the conference will focus on the power of communities to build back after the pandemic and solve the large-scale challenges that people and the planet face.

EVPA Annual Conference – 15-17 November

The European Venture Philanthropy Association’s Annual Conference will take on a hybrid form this year – with digital access as well as face-to-face attendance in Porto, Portugal (the original location of 2020’s event, before it was moved online).

This year will look at how “investing for impact” could be the “driving force behind societal recovery” from the pandemic. The hosts expect to attract around 700 social investors, entrepreneurs and practitioners from Europe and around the world.

TSI Ecosystem in Action – Internationalisation

Which practices and examples in Italy and abroad are effective for the internationalisation of ecosystems and therefore replicable?

With the aim of identifying the international dimension for Torino Social Impact, the working group coordinated by the partners SocialFare, Nesta Italia, International University College Torino e Urban Lab, and which saw the participation of Experientia, Permicro, Danish Refugee Council, Confcooperative Piemonte Nord and MinD – Mad in Design, identified the starting points for working on brand awareness of the ecosystem and attracting interest beyond national borders.

The key words to guide the work are:

  • international media relations
  • sharing of contacts and networks
  • European planning
  • academic publications

The Social Innovation Academy

The City of Torino and the Chamber of commerce of Torino are partners of the European project ASIS “Alpine Social Innovation Strategy” within the framework of the European program Interreg Alpine Space. The project, which aims to develop and promote a new vision of social innovation in the Alpine Space, increasing the capacity to propose public policies to support social innovation, involved 10 partners from Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia.

The two days of Social Innovation Academy, organized in the frame of Torino Social Impact and with the collaboration of Biennale Democrazia, will address the theme of the role of the public sector as a stimulus for the activation of social innovation projects and generative welfare, as well as the innovative rules available to PAs to experiment and innovate and the measurement of social impact as a key for the promotion of projects and positive actions for the community.

These days of training are intended to guide participants to discover the outputs generated by the project and stimulate discussion, deepening the challenges and issues that emerged by declining them at the local level.

The SI Academy will be structured in 3 modules and organized in online mode.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

10 am – 1 pm “The role of communities and the public sector in stimulating and supporting projects of Social Innovation and Generative Welfare”.

3 pm – 5:30 pm “Social Innovation in Public Administrations. State of the art of regulatory and organizational tools”.

Thursday 25 March 2021

10 am – 12:30 pm “Social impact between methodologies, measurement and concrete application in PA”.

The detailed program is available on Eventbrite, where registrations are active: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/142474680605

It will also be possible for non-members to follow the live broadcast on the Torino Social Impact Youtube channel.

The Asis project will close its work on April 1st with another day dedicated to social innovation, the Alpine Social Innovation Day. After a plenary session, the day will be divided into 6 workshops, questioning how social innovation changes cooperation and public action, based on testimonials, European pilot experiments and some of the results of the ASIS project. In addition, several networking sessions will be organized, to stimulate conversations and give participants the opportunity to meet virtually and share opportunities.

Workshop 5 is dedicated to social impact: “Social impact, methodologies, measurements and concrete applications”.

The final international event – April 1 – is open to the public. For the detailed program and registration: www.to.camcom.it/alpine-space-innovation-day

For more information on the ASIS project and the SI Academy:

beeloved Diari di Comunità

beeloved Diari di Comunità is a heterogeneous space which contains, tells and disseminates the different actions of the beeO Ingredienti di Comunità project, winner of the 2019 CivICa Call from the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

beeloved Diari di Comunità was born as a path of civic imagination, directed to the communities of two districts in Turin, Madonna di Campagna and Borgo Vittoria. Furthermore, the project aims to activate and develop beeozanam community hub as a space of cultural production and social aggregation.

Five animated podcasts have been produced within this project, and they are now available on beeozanam YouTube channel. These are short videos in which five witnesses, chosen among the inhabitants of the neighbourhoods, tell five different stories about significant places around Madonna di Campagna and Borgo Vittoria, enriching the history of such places with their own memories and personal stories.

Malik Adnan Sher, a young Pakistani cultural mediator, tells us about the former Ozanam Foundries, from the building construction to its conversion into a dormitory and the workers’ protests in the seventies, until his own arrival in Turin via the Balkan route. Marcello Gottardo, a retired Religion professor, talks about the Madonna di Campagna parish and the 3G oratory, the first mixed oratory open to young boys and girls together, a novelty in those years, which has marked the personal history, the commitment to voluntarism and activism of many inhabitants of the neighbourhoods. Maurizio Gaier takes us on a journey to discover the many cinemas which were present in the area, of which there is no memory anymore. Catia Bruzzo, who transformed her parents’ tavern into a bookshop and cultural centre, intertwines her own history with that of the old taverns in the area, home to different gangs of young partisans from the Italian resistance movement. Finally, Federica Lovaglio, which was born and raised in Borgo Vittoria, talks about the neighbourhood’s public spaces starting from the memory she has of a little public square, where her dad used to wash his car with the water coming from a public fountain.

These five animated podcasts were made in collaboration with Cliomedia Public History and with the Archivio Nazionale del Cinema di Impresa, partners of the beeO – Ingredienti di Comunità project. They represent the starting point for the construction of an interactive map, which will tell the story of Borgo Vittoria and Madonna di Campagna through these narrations, as well as with the involvement of young students from two local middle schools, the IC Aleramo and IC Murialdo Vivaldi.

Online the fourth episode of Bench-Mark

Solidarity, volunteering and sharing. These are the keywords of VolTo, the Volunteer Service Center of the province of Turin, which today brings together more than 1,300 third sector organizations.

For the Bench-Mark format, Gerardo Gatto, the president of VolTo, sat on the bench and talked to us about the social impact of volunteering.

The interview was edited by Francesco Antonioli.


March 14th, 2021 – Googreen Biodiversity Market

On Sunday 14 March 2021, as the Spring equinox approaches, the #Googreen biodiversity market celebrates the Awakening of Sambuy Garden which, like every second Sunday of the month, comes back to life to be a place for encounters, good practices, exchanges and seasonal stories.

  • 9am to 7pm – Googreen producers selected by Giardino Forbito are back, as always, to represent seasonal excellence.
  • 12pm – an appointment with the book “Trenta ritratti di donne in Piemonte” (Thirty portraits of women in Piedmont) by Margherita Crema Giacomasso, published by Graphot. Thirty women of the past for Thirty and more women of the future. In collaboration with the Graphot publishing house and Torino Città per le Donne.
  • 3pm – presentation of Enrico Pandiani‘s latest novel “Lontano da casa“. Set in the streets of “Barriera di Torino” and suburbs, a noir that becomes a pretext for scrutinising the human soul and the capacity for social tolerance. The author is joined by journalist Francesco Antonioli and Alexandru Nastasa, unexpected reader.
  • Giardino forbito continues to celebrate the birth of the first Association for the knowledge and protection of biodiversity and pollinators, supporting the collection of signatures promoted by the European Union: “save bees and farmers“.
  • The lowered shutters of the Sambuy gazebo continue to support the small precious exhibition curated by Giardino forbito and created by the apprentice Ciceroni of class 5E of the Regina Margherita High School in Turin for the “FAI parlare la città” project.

At the start EUreka! The academy on europlanning for social enterprises

EUreka!, the capacity building path of Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation addressed to the entities selected by the Seed calls 2018-2019 to make the most of the opportunities offered by the EU, has started.

The Academy, curated by SocialFare, takes place in 5 days from February 22 to March 8 and aims to allow participants to learn about the main pillars of European planning and to acquire tools and methods useful for the search of opportunities offered by the 2021-27 programming.

Each day corresponds to a thematic module: Analysis of the reference framework, Opportunity detection, Basic design, Executive design, Financial project management.

In the 6 months following the conclusion of the course, SocialFare experts will be available to participants for moments of sharing, opinions and feedback on the application of the tools covered during the Academy.

» More info

TSI Ecosystem in Action – Impact Finance

To encourage the strengthening of the ecosystem and the collective dimension, a path has been started to enable the involvement and the protagonism of the partners.

On November 25, 2020, during the Assembly of Torino Social Impact, it was started four working groups: Innovation Mapping, Impact Finance, Tech4Good, Internationalization. The aim of these groups is to give space to the emerging planning in these areas, to integrate and update the masterplan of Torino Social Impact and to define planning.

What is the social challenge on the territory in which impact finance can make a difference? This was the starting question for a working group coordinated by Cottino Foundation, Maurizio Maggiora Academy Foundation and EXAR Social Value Solutions.

22 subjects from twenty organizations have shared project proposals and reflections on many topics: digital transformation, green economy and sustainability, social housing and access to housing, young generations and discomfort, school, education, training, territorial attractions, cultural places.

The work of the group is proceeding with the analysis of existing tools and benchmarking of national and international experiences. Next meetings scheduled in March and April.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Cottino Social Impact Campus | Impact Transformation: From Problems to Impact Opportunities

Social entrepreneurship is not exclusively an organizational form, but it is mainly an organizational behaviour. A behaviour that structures itself along three axes: a social mission (that is linked to intentions of change), a commercial activity and a democratic governance.

How can one become a social entrepreneur? How is it possible to develop services or products not only for profit, but also oriented towards finding solutions to social problems? This Impact Dive starts from these fundamental questions.

Participants will be involved in an experience that will shed light on the mechanisms that make possible the construction of a social business. The main focus will be on the transformation of antagonistic assets – elements that seem to be dysfunctional to the market and to enterprise creation, social problems and issues that are apparently unsolvable – into a social impact opportunity.


Friday 19 March 2021
2pm-6pm CET


Find out more

Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development | Research Report Online

Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development

The first Research Report of the Social Tech Lab analyzes the main and most widespread Emerging Technologies, considering the potential of social impact in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, presenting the history, evolution and use cases of emerging technologies. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific technology, contributed to the research: Impactscool, Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italian Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Machines (I-RIM), Isinnova, Uqido, Italian Association for Marketing Development (AISM).

Objectives and structure of the research

The objective of this report is to provide accessible and quality information on the main emerging technologies of relevance in 2021: Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing, Internet of things and 5G, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Blockchain.

In doing so, emphasis was placed on the role that emerging technologies can play for the common good:

  • describing their positive potential for social and environmental impact and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and
  • outlining guidelines to mitigate their risks and avoid unintended negative consequences.

How to download the Report

Simply go to the Social Tech Lab website, at this link.


Call for projects “Circular 4 Recovery”

There is time until February 28th to participate the Circular4Recovery call launched by Marzotto Venture Accelerator to select, reward and support business projects focused on developing innovative technologies, solutions and services with a low environmental and social impact in 5 Key Focus Areas of the Circular Economy.

The Five Key Focus Areas identified by the Call are:

  • Circular Bioeconomy
    Enhancement of agro-food waste, new models of sustainable and regenerative agriculture.
  • Circular Water Economy
    Treatment and valorisation of wastewater, smart water and wastewater management systems.
  • Circular Energy Economy
    Energy transition, smart energy management systems, sustainable and circular materials management models in the energy supply chain.
  • New Circular Life Cycles
    Circular and sustainable solutions, technologies, and processes in the plastics and WEEE supply chains management.
  • Circular City & Land
    New integrated and circular approaches and models for the sustainable development of cities and rural/inland areas.

Twenty projects, distributed among the 5 Key Focus Areas, will be selected by the MVA Acceleration Team to participate in a Pre-Acceleration Program, lasting up to 12 weeks.
At the conclusion of the Pre-Acceleration Program, up to 10 projects will be selected to be included in the next phase of the Acceleration Program, lasting between 12 and 24 weeks.

Pre-Acceleration Program

  • credits for each selected Project – up to a maximum of Euro 25,000 – to be used for technological and entrepreneurial empowerment services, provided by the Organizers and the Corporate Partners network, within a maximum overall cap for all winning projects of Euro 500,000,00;
  • dedicated physical spaces in the Phygiwork S.p.A. Business Centers located in the territory of the Municipality of Rome.

Acceleration Program

  • credits for each selected Project – up to a maximum of Euro 70,000 – to be used for technological and entrepreneurial empowerment services, provided by the Organizers and the Corporate Partners concerned, within a maximum overall cap for all projects eligible for the acceleration phase of Euro 700,000,00;
  • equity, quasi-equity, forms of guarantee and co-guarantee on medium-long-term debts, to be used in co-investment with third-party resources, within the limits of a maximum overall plafond made available by MVA and the Corporate Partners concerned, amounting to Euro 10,000,000.00;
  • dedicated physical spaces in the Phygiwork S.p.A. Business Centers located in the territory of the Municipality of Rome.

For more information: circular4recovery@marzottoventure.com

“Working online together, in the new normal”, a training opportunity organized by Scuola Capitale Sociale

“Working online together, in the new normal”, a training opportunity organized by Scuola Capitale Sociale in collaboration with Avventura Urbana Srl, Genius Loci, Florence School of Dialogue and MAGESCO, the new Master in Consensus building and mediation of the University of Florence and University of Turin.

Starting on March 2nd, the course focuses on how to cooperate and learn from each other while working in online groups, as well as in real sessions, improving relationships and producing results. The course will be held by Gerardo de Luzenberger, professor of participatory project management at the University of Trento and organizer of #FACILITA, the Italian facilitators conference; and Iolanda Romano, expert in deliberative processes and public consensus building and mediation, former government commissioner for the Terzo Valico railway line.

Course enrollment ends on February 22nd. For further information, please write to: segreteria@scuolacapitalesociale.it.

#IMPRESECHERESISTONO – Artisans vs Covid-19

The photographic exhibition #impresecheresistono – Artisans vs Covid-19, the lockdown in Turin in April 2020 – Faces and stories of an Italy that does not give up, is set up in the spaces of Collegio Artigianelli, in corso Palestro 14. The initiative promoted by Cna Torino, and supported by the Turin Chamber of commerce, wants to be a message of positivity for the Made in Italy and the young artisans of the future.

30 shots, taken by Virgilio Ardy, illustrate the faces and the suspended spaces of laboratories, offices and working environments of as many artisans and entrepreneurs from Turin in the difficult weeks between April and May 2020. Men and women who, despite everything, did not give up and reopened their activities, after the forced hiatus, with greater determination than before.

The #imprecheresistono project also includes the creation of a docu-film to be released in May, shot partly in the company’s locations, partly in the Artigianelli theater, Le Musichall.

The photographic exhibition will be open until the end of May 2021 with free admission.

February 14th, 2021 – Mercato della Biodiversità Googreen

Here’s the first edition of 2021 of the Mercato della biodiversità Googreen organised by Giardino Forbito. Like every second Sunday of the month, the Sambuy Gardens come back to life and become a perfect city oasis where we can celebrate the beauty of nature and the goodness of our local products.

  • From 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Googreen producers selected by Giardino Forbito will be back, as always, to represent seasonal excellence.
  • At the “spazio delle idee”, set up with ivy thanks to the Vivai Giani, Marzia Gullino, entrepreneur and creative farmer, will bring her garlands to life, teaching us how to weave willow branches into hearts to give or hang on our doors.
  • Anna Fantini will introduce us to BanAnna Kitchen, her food delivery project active from November 2020, and will contribute to the #cifailaspesa fundraiser with the sale of her picnics.
  • The Amado Association will propose love poems to the public, silently read by Silent Book Torino and street artists supported by Arthecity will animate our gardens.
  • at 3 pm we’ll meet Tobees. The musical project conceived by Marna Fumarola, violinist and beekeeper, Alessio Mosti, electronic composer and Azzurra Fragale, director and sound designer, to develop soundtracks for biodiversity.
  • The lowered shutters of the Sambuy gazebo will remain to support the small but precious exhibition curated by Giardino forbito and created by the students of class 5E of the Liceo Regina Margherita in Turin for the “FAI parlare la città” project.

10th Social Impact Investor Day: SocialFare’s new startups introduce themselves to investors!

The 10th edition of FOUNDAMENTA, the acceleration program for social impact startups by SocialFare, has ended!

Selected through the call FOUNDAMENTA#10, the teams of JoJollyFreedome, and Aqura/Mosaic have completed the path and presented themselves to the network of investors during a fully online event.

The event was introduced by the panel “IMPACT MAKING. Investing in social impact enterprises: national and international scenarios” moderated by Laura Orestano, CEO of SocialFare, with guests:

  • Vincenzo Durante (Head of Employment Area Invitalia)
  • Giovanni Ravina (Chief innovation officer of Engie Eps)
  • Sertac Yeltekin (Fund Manager of ZingForce, Singapore)

Here is what the presented startups are all about:

  • JoJolly [SocialTech] counteracts undeclared work and tax evasion in the restaurant sector – whose peaks of work are particularly subject to periodic fluctuations – through a platform that simplifies the management of “extra” human resources by facilitating and incentivizing the stipulation of regular contracts even in the case of occasional services.
  • Freedome [Sustainable Tourism] enhances the Italian naturalistic heritage by aggregating and promoting quality outdoor sports and recreational activities, offering support and market access opportunities to small local operators who work in close contact and in positive synergy with their own territory.
  • Aqura [EdTech] has created MOSAIC, a kit of smart objects designed to promote school inclusion for children with disabilities with a focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder, through a proposal that combines in an innovative way technological objects with training methods designed ad hoc.

In the meantime, the analysis of the 186 applications received for the FOUNDAMENTA#11 call is proceeding: in spring the names of the teams selected to access the next edition of the acceleration program will be known.

Info: https://socialfare.org/foundamenta/ 

Open position DRC Italy: Project Coordinator (4Mi – Mixed Migration)

DRC Italia offers a Project Coordinator position in the Turin office.


The Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) is a global network consisting of six regional hubs (Asia, East Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North Africa, West Africa) and a central unit in Geneva. The MMC is a leading source for independent and high-quality data, research, analysis and expertise on mixed migration. The MMC aims to increase understanding of mixed migration, to positively impact global and regional migration policies, to inform evidence-based protection responses for people on the move and to stimulate forward thinking in public and policy debates on mixed migration. The MMC’s overarching focus is on human rights and protection for all people on the move. The three overall objectives of the MMC are:

  • To contribute to a better, more nuanced and balanced understanding of mixed migration (knowledge)
  • To contribute to evidence-based and better informed migration policies and debates (policy)
  • To contribute to effective evidence-based protection responses for people on the move (programming)

The MMC is part of, and governed by DRC. MMC regional hubs are hosted within DRC regional offices, but part of the global MMC network. While its institutional link to DRC ensures MMC’s work is grounded in operational reality, it acts as an independent source of data, research, analysis and policy development on mixed migration for policy makers, practitioners, journalists, and the broader humanitarian sector. The position of the MMC does not necessarily reflect the position of DRC. For more information on MMC visit our website (http://www.mixedmigration.org/).

One of MMC’s flagship project is the Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism Initiative (4Mi). 4Mi collects data through in-depth structured interviews, focusing on protection risks and the conditions and experiences faced by people on the move, as well as their motivation for migration. 4Mi fills information gaps around protection and vulnerabilities with a view to informing policy and humanitarian programmatic response as well as enhancing sector understanding and knowledge on migration dynamics.

In Europe 4Mi is currently operational in Italy and Greece, as part of an Horizon 2020 supported consortium and a DRC project aiming at providing protection and assistance services to people on the move in North Italy. The ambition of the MMC is to expand data collection to other European countries.

Position profile

The 4Mi Project Coordinator leads the implementation and technical development of the Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism initiative in Europe, and through its work with the global team contributes to the overall development and strengthening of 4Mi across the world.

The position reports to the Regional Head of Programme of DRC Europe / Country Director for Italy for daily management. There is a technical reporting relationship with the MMC’s Coordination Unit in Geneva.

Main tasks

Oversee operations and management of the 4Mi project in Europe

  • Manage 4Mi staff: Information Management Officer, if/when present.
  • Manage the recruitment, training of 4Mi monitors; oversee their day-to-day management.
  • Manage the procurement of partners to collect 4Mi data and manage those partners.
  • Ensure that the team regularly provides updated, clean datasets and all 4Mi deliverables are met
  • Oversee management of the data collection platform and survey software.
  • Maintain duty of care for monitors and contribute to the risk analysis for 4Mi staff and monitors.
  • Monitor and manage 4Mi budgets; ensure timely donor reporting and support the MMC Geneva and the DRC counterparts in maintaining donor relations.
  • Coordinate with the MMC coordination unit in GVA on changes to and development of projects.

Data analysis and methodology development

  • Analyse and interpret data; draft, contribute to, and present analysis in visuals, presentations, and written reports; ensure regular, timely production of analysis.
  • Lead in the implementation of methodological developments and standards in the region, and their review.
  • Work closely with the 4Mi team across the network to innovate and develop 4Mi methodology, and tools for implementation, to ensure 4Mi’s reliability and relevance.
  • Keep abreast of new development and ongoing debates on migration data..

Dissemination, representation and fundraising

  • Represent MMC and present 4Mi data at conferences and meetings.
  • Identify partners, key informants, contacts and other interlocutors critical to the success of 4Mi, and maintain relationships with key regional stakeholders in mixed migration
  • Support DRC’s use of 4Mi data in programming and advocacy.
  • In collaboration with MMC Geneva, contribute to the eventual expansion, strategic development and fundraising for 4Mi and other MMC activities in the region

Desirable experiences and competences 

  • Proven record in quantitative and qualitative data analysis, and production of written and visual knowledge products based on quantitative and qualitative data;
  • Experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative data collection;
  • Knowledge of regional migration dynamics and previous experience working in the region;
  • Experience in project cycle and budget management;
  • Experience in team management, and working in a multicultural environment;
  • Experience of working with international NGOs;
  • Motivated self-starter who can work independently and make rapid assessments and sound judgements;
  • Excellent organizational skills and ability to manage competing priorities;
  • Good team worker with strong communication skills.


  • Advanced university degree in social sciences or other relevant field with 3–5 years’ experience in survey design and implementation, and quantitative data analysis


  • Professional proficiency in English.
  • Spoken and written communication in Italian is a strong advantage.

All DRC roles require the post-holder to master DRC’s core competencies:

  • Striving for excellence
  • Collaborating
  • Taking the lead
  • Communicating
  • Demonstrating integrity

Find the definitions of DRC’s core competencies here

We offer

Contract length: 9 months initial contract, renewable depending on performance and funding.

Salary and conditions: depending on skills and experience, in accordance with Danish Refugee Council’s Terms of Employment for national work contracts in Italy and in compliance with Italian labour law.*

Duty station: Turin, Italy with additional travels in Europe region (Greece, Balkans, Geneva, Copenhagen)

Start date: April 2021

For questions regarding the vacancy please contact Roberto Forin, Roberto.forin@mixedmigration.org

Application process

All applicants must upload a cover letter and an updated CV (no longer than four pages in total) in English to the online application system. Applications sent by email will not be considered.

NOTEThis is a national position. We can accept international candidates under the condition of having the right to live and work in Italy during the contract period

DRC as an employer

By working in DRC, you will be joining a global workforce of around 8000 employees in 40 countries. We pride ourselves on our:

  • Professionalism, impact & expertise
  • Humanitarian approach & the work we do
  • Purpose, meaningfulness & own contribution
  • Culture, values & strong leadership
  • Fair compensation & continuous development

DRC’s capacity to ensure the protection of and assistance to refugees, IDP’s and other persons of concern depends on the ability of our staff to uphold and promote the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in relation DRC’s values and Code of Conduct, including safeguarding against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. DRC conducts thorough and comprehensive background checks as part of the recruitment process.

If you have questions or are facing problems with the online application process, please visit drc.ngo/about-us/job-and-career/support-for-job-seekers.


Open position in DRC Italy: Programme Coordinator (maternity replacement)

DRC Italia reports an open position within the Turin offices.

Programme Coordinator – Maternity Cover

Danish Refugee Council, one of the world’s leading humanitarian NGOs, is currently looking for a highly qualified Programme Coordinator to lead the implementation of its start-up programming in Italy and support the strategy of the organization across partnerships and sectors priorities in 2021.


DRC has been operating in Italy since June 2019, first through local civil society actors then with a DRC set-up in 2020. DRC approach in Italy is based on localisation, developing meaningful and efficient partnerships with local actors, mantaining a core structure with limited staff in the country. Through joint implementation, DRC and partners support refugees, asylum seekers and people on the move specifically in the Norther part of the country, through legal aid and integration projects in border areas and urban areas. DRC Italy mantains a strong affiliation to DRC Europe Region and contributes to European programming and partnerships. Specific ties also exist with DRC Greece and DRC Bosnia and Herzegovina offices.

About the job

DRC Italy is looking to recruit an experienced and enthusiastic professional to lead its programme implementation strategy in Italy. The Programme Coordinator (PC) has a country focus and ensures quality implementation of its multisector programme within Italy and in line with the broader strategies of DRC in Europe. The role contributes to the development of country strategies, which are translated into action plans and day-to-day tasks. It provides programme leadership and has a technical management role towards Grants Management Assistant and the Fundraising Trainee. The PC may represent DRC on behalf of the Country Director to authorities, IOs, other NGOs and Partners.

As Programme Coordinator, and under the direct supervision of the Country Director, you will:

Management of DRC portfolio:

  • Coordinate the implementation of DRC activities across all projects.
  • Ensure compliance of current & proposed projects with donors’ contracts and within the scope of DRC’s programme.
  • Ensure narrative and financial reporting is timely and act as key focal point on programme.
  • Support the Country Director in laying out the programme strategy for DRC Italy and initiate strategic processes and initiatives to advance the mission of DRC and partners in Italy.
  • Support the development of good lines of communication between project staff and partners.

Strategy and funding development and resource mobilization:

  • Lead the resource mobilization strategy including monitoring and selection of open calls, development of proposals, coordination with internal and external co-applicants, submission.
  • Lead and coordinate partnership relationships for DRC’s local partners.
  • Support the development and maintenance of a DRC programme strategy based on the evolving context, protection trends and needs analysis.

Advocacy, coordination and representation:

  • Represent DRC and articulate the key advocacy and programme points vis-à-vis partners, other humanitarian and civil society organisations, local authorities and other local stakeholders when requested and in close coordination with the Country Director.
  • Coordinate DRC’s programme activities with the relevant local response.
  • Ensure a coordinated approach to the humanitarian response, geographically and by sector.

Supervisor responsibilities:

  • Coordinate the daily activities of DRC and partners’ teams, often comprised of subordinates and/or employees carrying out similar tasks.
  • The role does not have direct line management responsibility for staff, but contributes to recruitment, technical supervision and/or performance appraisal of members of the team when requested. The PC has a technical line management towards the Grants Management Assistant and the Fundraising Trainee.

About you

To be successful in this role we expect you to be an exceptional coordinator and a supportive and collaborative colleague. You have worked in the displacement sector in Italy and potentially abroad, you have an analytical mindset and you are able to make decisions based on critical analysis at the same time considered the potential risks.  Moreover, we also expect the following:

  • Minimum 4 years of progressive experience in programme coordinator roles involving increasing responsibility for developing programme strategies, developing new and successful proposals, coordinate the implementation on the ground;
  • University degree in international development, international relations, human rights, business administration, management, or another relevant field is required;
  • Solid project management experience, including proven experience in budget management and donor reporting/ accountability/ compliance;
  • Significant experience and understanding of fundraising (institutional and private);
  • Strong experience in representation, and networking;
  • Excellent analytical and strategic skills;
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal and influencing skills;
  • Understanding of the current displacement context in Italy. Knowledge of mixed migration flows to and within Europe is a strong asset;
  • Experience in working within the Italian asylum and reception system and its relevant stakeholders.
  • Full professional fluency in English and Italian;
  • Ability to work in a demanding environment;
  • Excellent Computer Skills (MS Office, Internet) and an advanced proficiency in Excel are required.

In this position, you are expected to demonstrate DRC’ five core competencies:

Striving for excellence: You focus on reaching results while ensuring an efficient process.

Collaborating: You involve relevant parties and encourage feedback.

Taking the lead: You take ownership and initiative while aiming for innovation.

Communicating: You listen and speak effectively and honestly.

Demonstrating integrity: You uphold and promote the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in relation to our values and Code of Conduct, including safeguarding against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.

We offer

Contract length: 9 months (maternity cover). This is a national position. We can accept international candidates under the condition of having the right to live and work in Italy during the contract period and having full Italian proficiency.

Designation of Duty Station: Turin

Start date: April 2021

Salary and conditions will be in accordance with Danish Refugee Council’s Terms of Employment for DRC Italy and with Italian labour law; Expected salary is approx. at 2500 EUR gross / month, depending on individual assessment of the candidate experience.

For questions regarding the vacancy please contact the Country Director, Giulia Spagna at giulia.spagna@drc.ngo.

Application process

All applicants must upload a cover letter and an updated CV (no longer than four pages) in English. Applications sent by email will not be considered. DRC might start with the interview process before an application deadline should we find a suitable candidate.

For further information about the Danish Refugee Council, please consult our website drc.ngo.

DRC as an employer
By working in DRC, you will be joining a global workforce of around 8000 employees in 40 countries. We pride ourselves on our:

  • Professionalism, impact & expertise
  • Humanitarian approach & the work we do
  • Purpose, meaningfulness & own contribution
  • Culture, values & strong leadership
  • Fair compensation & continuous development

DRC’s capacity to ensure the protection of and assistance to refugees, IDP’s and other persons of concern depends on the ability of our staff to uphold and promote the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct in relation DRC’s values and Code of Conduct, including safeguarding against sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. DRC conducts thorough and comprehensive background checks as part of the recruitment process.

If you have questions or are facing problems with the online application process, please visit drc.ngo/about-us/job-and-career/support-for-job-seekers.



Context elements

Since last March, society has suddenly found itself in a new context marked by prolonged social distancing. This condition has put a double emphasis on those places that act as civic and cultural principals spread throughout the territory, both those present and active for years and those born in recent times. We are talking about New Cultural Centers, Independent Cultural Centers and Civic Aggregation Centers. All of these realities will assume a primary role in the process of re-initiating relationships of proximity, but they are still paying a very high price and are under stress both in financial terms (today) and in terms of organizational model (tomorrow) because in all likelihood they will have to reinvent the dynamics of operation and economic sustainability.

These spaces represent the response to collective needs not always considered and often absent from policies; those who manage them and the communities that form around these realities activate citizens and contribute to welfare and well-being, helping to counter growing inequalities and cooperate in mending social cohesion.

For this reason, in April 2020 the Culture Objective of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation proposed “Rincontriamoci”, an emergency call for proposals to support all those centers created by the autonomous initiative of individuals or associations that play a role of territorial protection, present in the cities, provinces and inland areas of the Northwest. A total of 1.5 million euros was thus allocated to 147 centers in Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d’Aosta.

The analysis conducted on the data collected, developed thanks to the contribution of the cheFare Association, reveals a panorama with great potential, not without new lifeblood in terms of innovation, with a recognizable civic, social and cultural role, characterized by different models of microeconomics and sometimes of non-profit enterprise. A sector, however, not yet well defined and not treated in a systemic way by specific policies, despite the fact that these spaces generate social value with a strong impact. Managers make significant investments in activities of public utility, often in favor of real estate assets owned by local or state administrations, but with the closure dictated by the regulations to contain the epidemic, the damage is falling on individuals and communities.

For these reasons, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation has decided to continue supporting this sector by inaugurating a three-year program that places these structures at the center of the Participation Mission of the Culture Objective.

Aims and objectives

The call is aimed at SPACES (i.e., permanently organized physical places), open to citizens with a constant frequency, managed or co-managed by entities eligible for grants from the Compagnia (see paragraph “Eligible entities”) that function as cultural and civic centers dedicated to a specific area or community and therefore characterized by a strong relationship with those who frequent them; spaces of cultural and social inclusion, multifunctional, possibly open to spontaneous and informal use by the inhabitants of the area, managed according to criteria of economic sustainability and interested in strengthening it.

With the call SPACE the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation wants to financially support the spaces and contribute to the strengthening of management models and skills of the managers and co-managers of the principals also through training and consulting.

The call aims to identify:

  1. the spaces that already represent an innovative and functioning model of the sector;
  2. spaces that show potential and on which an investment can generate a sustainable social impact over time.

Inclusive Energy Call – Innovators to tackle energy poverty

The Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, in collaboration with the Snam Foundation, launches a call for social innovators to find scalable and sustainable solutions with which to tackle energy poverty.

Energy poverty represents a major challenge for society.
It has economic and environmental repercussions that require a transversal approach to promote innovative and sustainable solutions, in order to generate a broad social impact as quickly as possible.

This is why the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation has decided to launch this call, born from the collaboration with the Snam Foundation, with the technical contribution of the Incubator of the Politecnico di Torino I3P and the scientific contribution of Ashoka Italia. In fact, the Inclusive Energy call promotes an approach to energy poverty that intends to involve social innovators in order to find solutions – also with entrepreneurial potential – capable of generating a broad and widespread change at the system level.


Energy poverty is defined as a situation in which a household or individual is unable to afford adequate energy services to ensure a decent standard of living, such as heating, cooling and lighting. The cause can be a combination of low income, poor energy efficiency in the home, high energy costs and low awareness.

Several factors affect energy poverty. These include climate change, which influences household energy demand. It should also be remembered that the phenomenon can take two forms: overt energy poverty, when families are unable to meet their energy bills, and hidden poverty, when, despite managing to pay their bills, families find themselves having to opt for a self-reduction in consumption.

This problem, according to the indicator adopted by the Italian government in 2017, afflicts 8.8% of Italian households.

However, energy consumption is not only determined by the technical characteristics of appliances and the energy performance of homes but also depends on the way people consume energy.
For this reason, in addition to structural actions for the energy efficiency of buildings, it is necessary to promote actions of behavioral change and energy innovation, disseminating information on energy saving, good practices and more sustainable consumption patterns.

The proposed intervention

It is to meet this challenge that Accelerare l’Innovazione and Proteggere l’Ambiente Missions of Obiettivo Pianeta have designed the Inclusive Energy Call.
A call that aims to identify, select, support and accompany innovative and creative solutions with the potential to scale their impact, promoted by social innovators throughout the country to combat energy poverty. Initiatives aimed at a paradigm shift in addressing the phenomenon, combining scalable and environmentally sustainable innovations.


Fifteen finalists will be selected and will benefit from a personalized and specialized accompaniment process, managed by I3P, which will make use of Snam‘s corporate expertise and that of other subjects, with the aim of implementing a development strategy to broaden the impact of the project.

At the end of the accompaniment process, the winners will be selected from the finalists (maximum 5 projects) who will receive an economic contribution (from 10,000 € to 50,000 €) to support their project, in addition to the value of the specialized accompaniment.

The projects

Projects may be implemented throughout the country and must address one or more of the following areas:

  • Training and awareness
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Measurement systems
  • Energy consulting
  • Mapping
  • Behavioural change
  • New financing models
  • Skills and job development
  • Cross-sector collaboration




It offers a multi-disciplinary basic knowledge on social impact.
The aim of the module is to enable you  to develop an Impact Vision,
a theoretical-practical horizon to structure your own path towards social impact actions.

The module deepens experiences and practices of those who have undertaken a track oriented to the construction and promotion of impact culture in their organization, practice and transformative motivation.

How it works

  • 3 online sessions
  • Finale collaborative workshop + testimonials in one full day at the Campus.

For whom

For those who realize that a new world vision should be explored first in its diversity, richness and complexity: explore, in order to understand and learn new languages, tools and practices. For those who want to acquire basic knowledge to introduce social impact in their own personal and professional realty.

Goals and methods

The aim of the module is to offer a widespread and extensive knowledge of the impact ecosystem: from the definitions of social entrepreneurship to the typical social innovator’s mindset. Learning methods are manifold: lectures, group discussions, national and international case studies, and a final collaborative workshop for identifying your Impact Vision.

Learning Journey With:

IMPACTWARE – Our journey to develop social impact skills


Impactware is the original, systemic and multidisciplinary program dedicated to social impact designed by Cottino Social Impact Campus. Just like a software is the set of languages and logical components enabling the functioning of a machine, Impactware is the set of concepts, tools and languages enabling individuals and organizations to design and build a (new) world oriented towards social impact.

Impactware is made of 4 modules, with clear and well-defined objectives:

EXPLORE: Build your Impact Vision
It offers a multi-disciplinary basic knowledge on social impact. The aim of the module is to enable you to develop an Impact Vision, a theoretical-practical horizon to structure your own path towards social impact actions.

UNDERSTAND: From Impact Vision to Impact Goals
It is devoted to realizing the Impact Vision in a personal and organizational goal through the acquisition of specific tools: from the Theory of Change (ToC) and design thinking to social impact management and evaluation, in order to define your own Impact Goal.

DEFINE: From Impact Goals to Impact Action
It is the advanced module to design your own impact action, making it effective and participated.
It combines both theoretical and structural phases to define your own impact action.

CHALLENGE: From Impact Action to Impact Transformation
This is the space for individual and organizational transformation, where you will be exposed to disruptive impact experiences which will drive you to make your action tangible in the world and in society.

How it works

  • Full Program: 4 modules
  • Single modules: Explore, Understand, Define, Challenge
  • Customizable journey: ad hoc editions for your organization

For whom

Impactware is held twice a year. The Spring edition is dedicated to young professionals, neo-entrepreneurs and start-up funders; the Autumn edition is for entrepreneurs, senior managers in various company functions (CSR, Change Management, Strategy, HR), both from the profit and nonprofit world.

For those who want to play a role in creating a new vision of the world.
For leading organizations from theory to practice through the identification of a social impact path.

Digital innovation for the restart of the third sector

Thanks to I3S – Digital Innovation for the Third Sector project, 16 social enterprises and voluntary associations, together with their representative bodies, will work with the Torino Wireless Foundation to develop a digital and technological innovation path to reinterpret their offer and create new processes and services.

The pandemic has revealed the need and the opportunity to invest in the transformation of the delivery of most services: what role can technology play?

Torino Wireless has taken up this challenge and, supported by the Turin Chamber of commerce as part of the Torino Social Impact strategic plan, has involved in the I3S Project the representative bodies on the territory (Confcooperative, Lega COOP, VOL.TO) and, through them, 16 third sector entities, including social cooperatives, networks and voluntary associations, who will work side by side and together with a group of ICT companies to design and test digital transformation projects.

For further info, please visit the project page.

In Turin there is a network of 20 sensors that monitor the smog directly from the balconies of the citizens!

Turin, February 1, 2020 – Wiseair is a project created by 5 young engineers of the Politecnico di Milano with the mission to allow citizens to access clear and transparent information about air quality and through this information promote a new attitude aimed at bringing clean air in our cities.

The secret ingredient of the project is Arianne, a balcony pot that monitors the concentration of particulate matter in the air. Starting from the data provided by the Arianne housed on the balconies of the so-called Ambassadors, all citizens can learn about the air quality in their neighborhood via App, stimulating the birth of communities of aware citizens who can lead the change.

After deploying a network of over 100 sensors in the city of Milan, Wiseair has launched a new community project dedicated to the city of Turin. The first 20 Arianne sensors were distributed free of charge by selecting the citizens of Turin who most closely reflected the values and spirit of the project. After more than 1000 applications received, the Ambassadors have been selected and the sensors have been installed on their balconies!

Currently, therefore, the first network of 20 sensors is widely distributed in the Piedmontese capital and all citizens can access the data collected in real-time. To know the air quality in Turin just download the application Wiseair directly from the store. Starting from the data collected by the city sensors, the application is able to show the air quality in every point of the city, also showing the daily, monthly, and yearly historical trend.

The project doesn’t stop there. The goal is to use this information to create a conscious movement, helping the administration in addressing the problem of pollution. The community is gathered on the Facebook group ITALIA ARIA PULITA | Wiseair community, which today counts several thousand citizens and two large subgroups, Milano Aria Pulita and Torino Aria Pulita, the two cities that first joined the Wiseair project.

The Torino Aria Pulita project has been supported by many local realities that are giving their support, including Comitato Torino Respira, Bike Pride, and Dott. This is the beginning of a collaborative project that has the ambition to address the issue of pollution in a concrete and active way. Starting directly from the civic spirit of the citizens themselves.

For more information about the Torino Aria Pulita project and the startup Wiseair: www.wiseair.vision/community

At school for social impact assessment: the second edition of the university course for social impact managers gets underway

The second edition of the university course for professional development (Cuap) “Social Impact Assessment” – supported by the Turin Chamber of commerce and realized within the framework of the Turin Social Impact Strategic Plan – is now underway. The university course, organized by the Department of Management of the University of Turin with the Polytechnic University of Turin (members of the Social Entrepreneurship Committee), the Piccatti Milanese Foundation, Cottino Social Impact Campus, Tiresia, the training bodies of the Cooperative Centres (Consorzio Il Nodo for Confcooperative Piemonte Nord and Inforcoop Ecipaa Piemonte for Legacoop Piemonte), and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, has seen a boom in enrolments. “We are delighted – comments Professor Paolo Biancone, scientific director of the course -: the high number of enrolments shows that the topics addressed are of interest to the territory.

The CUAP is one of the proposals put forward by the Competence Center for Social Impact Measurement, based at the Turin Chamber of commerce and available to all public and private, profit and non-profit organizations in the area.

The aim of the course is to learn social impact assessment methodologies in line with the Chamber of commerce‘s Social Entrepreneurship Committee Guidelines.

Through a hybrid and highly innovative teaching approach, the CUAP blends theoretical and practical guidelines to identify impact management strategies and measure them. A final business case completes the sharing of learning among participants. The course deals with social impact assessment as applied to projects for accessing European, national or local funding, and extensive local, sporting, cultural and conference events. It starts from the assumption that every event or every systemic action brings about a change that can be measured and assessed with specific techniques, mastered by impact assessors.

The novelty of this edition is the completely online formula. Given the current pandemic situation, the entire course has been designed remotely, also taking the opportunity to bring the culture of impact assessment beyond the borders of Turin with nationwide dissemination.

At the end of the course, it will be possible to obtain certification, issued by Cepas, a third-party certification body, and registration in the national register of Impact Assessors.

“We are very satisfied – comments Professor Paolo Biancone, scientific director of the course – the high number of registrations shows that the issues addressed are of interest to the territory. The first edition had certified 84 impact evaluators. The novelty of this edition is the completely online formula. Given the current pandemic situation, the entire course has been designed remotely, taking the opportunity to bring the culture of impact assessment beyond the borders of Turin with a national spread”.

“The Cuap is one of the proposals put forward by the Competence Center for Social Impact Measurement and is available to all public and private, profit and non-profit organizations in the area,” says Guido Bolatto, Secretary General of the Turin Chamber of Commerce, headquarters of the Center. “We are creating a center to strengthen evaluation culture and practices through guidance, methodological support, training, updating and alignment with international methodologies”.


Live talk | Tech for Good Pills

How can we use technology to benefit our lives, our planet and our society? To understand what “tech for good” is and how it works, let’s hear from its protagonists. Starting from January 2021, every second and fourth Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. (CET) join Nesta Italia live on Facebook and Youtube to discover projects, initiatives and use cases of technologies applied to benefit the people and the planet, considering both positive and critical aspects.

Giacomo Mariotti (Tech for Good Lead, Nesta Italia) together with professionals from the international scene will explore latest trends and possible future developments, to enhance confrontation and unexpected collaborations between innovators from different fields

The interviews will be in English, after the live the videos will be available on our Youtube Channel with Italian subtitles available.

Agenda (in progress)

12th January 2021 | Massimiliano Costa, Head of Share The Meal Initiative

26th January 2021 | Toby Mather, Founder & CEO Lingumi

9th February 2021 | Dhruv Ghulati, Founder Factmata

23rd February 2021 | Sonja-Maria Ignatius, Founder & CEO Kausal

9th March 2021 | Miriam Redi, Senior Research Scientist, Wikimedia Foundation

23rd March 2021 | Alessandro Piscopo, Senior Data Scientist, BBC

To stay updated on the events, sign up on Eventbrite.

Torino Social Impact joins REVES

Starting from 2021 Torino Social Impact becomes part of REVES, the first European organization based on partnerships between local and regional authorities and territorial actors of the social economy.

Under Social economy REVES considers cooperatives, mutual societies, associations, foundations and, more in general, all those organisations asserting the “primacy of individual and of social objective over capital, the voluntary and open membership, the democratic control by membership, the combination of interests of members/users and the general interest, the defence and application of the principle of solidarity and responsibility, the autonomous management and the sustainable use of most of surpluses”.

REVES MEMBERS are those local authorities or social economy organisation that are presently developing or are willing to develop policies to promote social and solidarity based economy, for a most fair, inclusive, participative and responsible society; a network of social innovation in terms both of methods and procedures based on co-construction and shared capacities of the members and their territories.


Social Tech Lab – Laboratory of technological and social innovation

A program by Nesta Italia, realized with the support of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo in the context of Torino Social Impact.

The Social Tech Lab is a three-year program developed to promote the knowledge, the development and the application of social impact technological solutions by the entities of the territorial system, the local populations, the investors and the enterprises, in order to accelerate the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Marco Zappalorto (CEO, Nesta Italia) and Daniela Gregnanin (Head of Mission Accelerate Innovation, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo) present the Social Tech Lab in this article on the Nesta Italia blog, in which they illustrate how the program was born, what needs it intends to respond to and the methodology that will be applied in the implementation of research and planning activities.

To stay updated on the developments of the Social Tech Lab you can visit the official website.

IMPACTWARE – Our journey to develop social impact skills


Impactware is the original, systemic and multidisciplinary program dedicated to social impact designed by Cottino Social Impact Campus. Just like a software is the set of languages and logical components enabling the functioning of a machine, Impactware is the set of concepts, tools and languages enabling individuals and organizations to design and build a (new) world oriented towards social impact.

  • It is the program that introduces and develops vision and action for social impact.
  • It is the program to generate and strengthen specific skills to manage and transform organizations with a vision oriented towards social impact.
  • It is tailor-made and customizable according to individuals’ and organizations’ needs.


  • HYBRID: theoretical and practical knowledge.
  • INTERNATIONAL: Faculty, testimonials, case studies.
  • INNOVATIVE: research and methods.
  • OPEN AND INCLUSIVE: Impactware classes are learning communities where Faculty and participants generate new knowledge together.

Impactware is made of 4 modules, with clear and well-defined objectives:

EXPLORE: Build your Impact Vision
It offers a multi-disciplinary basic knowledge on social impact. The aim of the module is to enable you to develop an Impact Vision, a theoretical-practical horizon to structure your own path towards social impact actions.

UNDERSTAND: From Impact Vision to Impact Goals
It is devoted to realizing the Impact Vision in a personal and organizational goal through the acquisition of specific tools: from the Theory of Change (ToC) and design thinking to social impact management and evaluation, in order to define your own Impact Goal.

DEFINE: From Impact Goals to Impact Action
It is the advanced module to design your own impact action, making it effective and participated.
It combines both theoretical and structural phases to define your own impact action.

CHALLENGE: From Impact Action to Impact Transformation
This is the space for individual and organizational transformation, where you will be exposed to disruptive impact experiences which will drive you to make your action tangible in the world and in society.

How it works

  • Full Program: 4 modules, 70 hours
  • Single modules: Explore, Understand, Define, Challenge
  • Customizable journey: ad hoc editions for your organization

For whom

Impactware is held twice a year. The Spring edition is dedicated to young professionals, neo-entrepreneurs and start-up funders; the Autumn edition is for entrepreneurs, senior managers in various company functions (CSR, Change Management, Strategy, HR), both from the profit and nonprofit world.

For those who want to play a role in creating a new vision of the world.
For leading organizations from theory to practice through the identification of a social impact path.

Discover Impactware

Workshop for the presentation of the project for the Social Impact Stock Exchange

It was held online on December 4 at 10 a.m. workshop to present and discuss the project for the Social Impact Stock Exchange.

The Social Impact Stock Exchange project

Launched by Torino Social Impact, the project aims to promote the feasibility of a capital market for the social economy, which can integrate the current system of access to resources and facilitate growth processes of companies with social aims, with the aim of generating social value for all stakeholders.

During the workshop was presented the outcome of a study that has deepened the context for the development of a capital market for social purpose organizations, international experiences, analysis of the demand and supply of capital, the possible structure of the future market, also in terms of legal compatibility, access requirements and related control processes.

The objective of the meeting was to share the analysis and collect ideas and observations to foster the development of the project. The meeting was structured through three working groups related to the functioning mechanisms of the Social Impact Stock Exchange.

Participants worked on 3 thematic strands:
Group 1Does the Social Impact Stock Exchange serve companies with an impact? – Moderator: Giorgio Fiorentini, Bocconi University
Group 2Criteria, rules, and requirements for the actors involved in the Social Impact Stock Exchange system – Moderator: Roberto Randazzo, R&P Legal
Group 3The ecosystem and incentives – Moderator: Flaviano Zandonai, CGM Cooperative Group

List of participants:

Banca Etica
Borsa Italiana
CGM coop
Fondazione Cariplo
Fondazione CRC
Fondazione Italia Sociale
Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile
Opes Italia
Sefea Impact
Spazio Aperto Servizi
UBI Banca Comunità
Università Milano-Bicocca

For more information about the project, please refer to the Social Impact Stock Exchange activity tab on the website.

2nd edition of CUAP – Social Impact Assessment launched

On February 1, 2021 the second edition of the University Course of Professional Development “Social Impact Assessment” will start. The course is part of Torino Social Impact and is activated by the University of Torino in collaboration with Cottino Social Impact Campus and the Polytechnic of Torino.

Pre-registration is open and will close on 8 January 2021, after which it will be possible to enroll in the course (closing date 22 January 2021).

As far as the mode of delivery is concerned, given the current situation, the course will be delivered online, with live teaching. In the event that there is the possibility, the course itself will be moved to the physical classroom, but the online teaching will still be operative.

For further information on the course structure, please consult the relevant page on the website of the Department of Management: https://www.management.unito.it/do/home.pl/View?doc=formazione_continua.html -> Formazione Continua -> Corsi in attivazione 2020-2021 -> Corso Universitario di Aggiornamento Professionale -> Valutazione d’impatto sociale II edizione or send an email to socialimpact.management@unito.it

UniCredit supports women’s entrepreneurship and Profit and Non-Profit businesses

The latest research carried out by Unioncamere showed that in the second quarter of 2020 alone, the registrations of new businesses led by women were more than 10 thousand less than in the same period of 2019. This decrease, equal to -42.3%, is higher than that recorded by male activities (-35.2%).

The difficulties triggered by the health emergency have hit the female business world more sensitive to the economic cycle than the male one: 21% of female businesses believe they are more exposed to the negative trend of the economy compared to 18% of male businesses. After the stagnation at the beginning of 2020, the number of employees also registered a sharp drop, which mainly affected the female component. The main causes seem to be: a greater vulnerability of women in the labor market, more employment in the sectors most affected by the pandemic and, finally, a greater burden in family management [1].

In a context of general emergency that has affected the most diverse sectors, we are witnessing a negative trend in particular on employment and female entrepreneurship. For this reason, we want to be part of the solution, supporting women’s businesses and all businesses that offer services to families. Because a fairer and more inclusive society that values women’s skills and professionalism can generate more growth and well-being for all,” said Roberta Marracino, Head of Group ESG Strategy & Impact Banking at UniCredit.

Against this backdrop, UniCredit is providing concrete support for:

  • women entrepreneurs who want to start a new business or who want to grow it. They are offered inclusive and discounted financing, such as microcredit up to 50,000 euros, the support of a network of social partners and access to digital tools useful for business start-ups and financial planning. Finally, they are also provided with a skills support thanks to UniGens, the association of employees and former UniCredit employees, to give solidity to the growth of their businesses.
  • profit and nonprofit companies that provide welfare, health and educational services, able to generate a concrete and measurable social impact. Also included are those projects and corporate initiatives that promote welfare services for their employees and their families. They are offered financing with a social impact for over 50 thousand euro at advantageous conditions. Upon achievement of the social objectives, the proposal is completed with the recognition of a donation of up to 20 thousand euros, a training program, the sharing of a network to spread the experiences and, finally, external visibility.

More information at www.unicredit.it/it/chi-siamo/noi-e-il-sociale/social-impact-banking/Ilvaloredelledonne.html

Note 1: Source: IV Female Entrepreneurship Report 2020, Unioncamere elaborations, Istat Annual Report 2020.

Biennale Democrazia 2021 moves to October

The 7th edition of Biennale Democrazia entitled Un pianeta, molti mondi (One planet, many worlds) returns to Torino from Wednesday 6 to Sunday 10 October 2021.

Due to the continuation of the health emergency, it has been decided to move the 2021 edition from March to October, so that Biennale Democrazia can confirm itself as a place of meeting and cultural debate, encouraging the participation of a wide audience of citizens and returning to inhabit the cultural places of Turin.

From March to June, Biennale Democrazia will propose a series of meetings in live streaming in preparation for the new edition.


Biennale Democracy 2021 moves to October

The 7th edition of Biennale Democrazia entitled Un pianeta, molti mondi (One planet, many worlds) returns to Torino from Wednesday 6 to Sunday 10 October 2021.

Due to the continuation of the health emergency, it has been decided to move the 2021 edition from March to October, so that Biennale Democrazia can confirm itself as a place of meeting and cultural debate, encouraging the participation of a wide audience of citizens and returning to inhabit the cultural places of Turin.

From March to June, Biennale Democrazia will propose a series of meetings in live streaming in preparation for the new edition.


SEI Pioneer Demo Day: vote for your favorite Pitch until December 22nd

For some years now, SEI’s mid-December agenda witnessed an important event: the DEMO DAY of SEI School’s path committed to bringing the best talents to high-tech innovation, SEI PIONEER. And this year is no exception. 

From December 18th, Google Platform will host teams made up of university students in an inspiring pitch challenge, presenting the innovative products they’ve been realizing during these first six months of the program. Each of them enrolled in ASP, Collegio Einaudi, and from SEIPlus association, received a challenge from international companies recognized as leaders in the tech field: GEDI Digital, Reply, COMAU, Leonardo, and SAP.

All these pitches will be published on SEI‘s Facebook page on December 18th.

You may cast your vote for your favorite pitch here, until Tuesday 22nd.

The Challenges

In these six months, each team has developed an innovative product based on a challenge issued by one of the project’s partner companies. Let’s see which ones. 

GEDI Digital and the master app that fosters conversion – Italy’s leading publishing group has identified a very precise objective with the launch of its challenge: encouraging user-to-subscriber conversion through a new “Master APP” with a focus on LaRepubblica.

Reply and the drones fleet – Reply’s challenge is flying towards the creation of a fleet of self-piloted and 5G tech-based drones. To win it, key features are building a fleet, prototyping a mission planner, creating a UTM platform – for collision avoidance and task management – and implementing 5G communication through an SDN controller.

COMAU and debris sorting – the challenge of this leading Italian robotics and automation company concerns the development of automation focused on the sorting phase of construction and demolition materials. This solution aims directly at the construction site following natural disasters but also planned demolitions in the various construction phases.

SAP and the CleanTech challenge – In the last six months, the team that took up SAP’s challenge worked on the realization of a CleanTech software solution. Its main focus is beyond providing a present energy consumption analysis in office buildings: it looks at the future. Thanks to its integration with a proprietary predictive algorithm, the software is able to provide energy managers with advice and best practices to make consumption optimization possible. 

Leonardo and drone management software – Active in the Aerospace, Defense and Security sector on a global scale, Leonardo has proposed to SEI students a challenge with a triple purpose: to create a software, a network, and an interface for the management of a fleet of drones to be applied to search and rescue situations. 

SEI Pioneer: a project of excellence in the field of innovation

SEI Pioneer is a one-year path of excellence that aims to turn the best talents into the high-tech innovation process leaders of tomorrow. From vision to prototyping, through ideation and value engineering, the SEI – School of Entrepreneurship & Innovation has accompanied the teams along the first path of innovation that will culminate on December 18th. In January, instead, the second phase of the process will be started with the aim of putting to use all the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous 6 months and launching their business idea. 

Save the date

On December 18th, all the pitches will be published on SEI’s Facebook page.

Until December 22nd, you can vote for your favorite pitch.







UniCredit supports female entrepreneurship and profit and non-profit enterprises

UniCredit supports women’s entrepreneurship and Profit and Non-Profit businesses to support women and families, through its Social Impact Banking program, Microcredit initiatives and Social Impact Financing.

The latest research conducted by Unioncamere showed that the registrations of new businesses led by women, in the second quarter of 2020 alone, were more than 10 thousand fewer than in the same period of 2019. This decrease, equal to -42.3%, is greater than that recorded by male activities (-35.2%).
The difficulties triggered by the health emergency have affected the female business world more sensitive to the economic cycle than the male business world: 21% of female businesses believe they are more exposed to the negative economic trend compared to 18% of male businesses. After the stagnation at the beginning of 2020, the number of people employed has also recorded a sharp drop that has mainly affected the female component. The main causes seem to be: a greater vulnerability of women in the labor market, greater employment in the sectors most affected by the pandemic and, finally, a greater burden in family management. [1]
“In a context of general emergency that has affected a wide range of sectors, we are seeing a negative trend in particular on employment and entrepreneurship among women. Therefore, we want to be part of the solution, supporting women’s businesses and all businesses that offer services to families. Because a fairer and more inclusive society, which values women’s skills and professionalism, can generate greater growth and wellbeing for all,” said Roberta Marracino, Head of Group ESG Strategy & Impact Banking at UniCredit.
Against this backdrop, UniCredit is providing concrete support for:

  • Women entrepreneurs who want to start a new business or grow it. They are offered inclusive and discounted financing, such as microcredit up to 50 thousand euros, support from a network of social partners and access to useful digital tools for business start-up and financial planning. Finally, they are provided with skills support thanks to UniGens, the association of UniCredit employees and ex-employees, in order to give solidity to the growth of their businesses.
  • Profit and non-profit companies that provide welfare, health and educational services, capable of generating a concrete and measurable social impact. Also included are those corporate projects and initiatives that promote welfare services for their employees and their families. They are offered social impact financing of over 50 thousand euros at advantageous conditions. Upon achievement of social objectives, the proposal is completed with the recognition of a donation up to 20 thousand euros, a training program, the sharing of a network to disseminate experiences and, finally, external visibility.

More information at www.unicredit.it/it/chi-siamo/noi-e-il-sociale/social-impact-banking/Ilvaloredelledonne.html
UniCredit Media Relations contacts: e-mail mediarelations@unicredit.eu

1 Source: IV Rapporto Imprenditoria Femminile 2020, Unioncamere elaborations, Istat Annual Report 2020

For a care society. Medical humanities and digital innovation.

With the teaching of Professor Enzo Grossi, the first course on “Health, Culture, Complexity and Artificial Intelligence” at the University of Turin started, addressed to midwifery and gynecology students.

Ten modules with frontal lectures, practical exercises in small groups and research activities on original data collected at the University Clinic of Presidio Ospedaliero S. Anna.

The virtuous relationship between Culture and Health and digital innovation is one of the axes of commitment indicated in the statute since 2010 of the Fondazione Medicina a misura di Donna, a body with operational headquarters at S. Anna, considered among the best European practices.

Links of interest:





On Artribune.tv the documentary about the condominium museum

A documentary film to tell the story of the condominium-museum

of the multi-ethnic district of Porta Palazzo in Turin

a film by Lucio Viglierchio and Miha Sagadin

written and produced by Massimo Arvat for Zenit Arti Audiovisive

from 10.00 p.m. on December 2 to the end of the lockdown of the places of culture

the film remains available on www.condominiomuseo.it

Viadellafucina16 Condominium – Museum

Via S. Giovanni Battista La Salle 16 – Turin

In the heart of the multi-ethnic district of Porta Palazzo in Turin, in via La Salle 16, there is a building inhabited by over 200 tenants from 20 countries and 5 continents, which thanks to the artist Brice Coniglio (part of the duo ConiglioViola), has become the scene of a visionary artistic project: it is viadellafucina16, the world’s first condominium-museum experiment: a place definitely out of the ordinary, the absolute protagonist of the documentary film VIADELLAFUCINA16 (ITA 2018 – 18 min) by Lucio Viglierchio and Miha Sagadin.

Three years after its birth, Tuesday, December 1, 2020 from 10.00 p.m. on the website of Artribune Television, it was possible to see a preview of the documentary for 24 hours, available from the following day on all the project channels: www.condominiomuseo.it and www.facebook.com/viadellafucina16.

Written and produced by Massimo Arvat for Zenit Arti Audiovisive and winner of the Mibact Cineperiferie competition in 2018, VIADELLAFUCINA16 tells how a multi-ethnic condominium has become a microcosm in which, through Art, it is possible to read contemporary social dynamics.

With the project viadellafucina16 Brice Coniglio has put himself and all the tenants of the building to the test through the transformative power of art, with an idea as visionary as simple: to invite young artists to spend a period of residence in the building, to create works of art for the common spaces, involving the owners in all phases of the creative process. Its history began in 2016 with a call for proposals to which 400 artists from all over the world responded: with the first residences the old building – renamed viadellafucina16, from the ancient name of the street – became the protagonist of a transformation not at all predictable.

In addition to the works of the young artists selected, the condominium-museum collection houses the works of great masters such as Michelangelo Pistoletto and Giorgio Griffa who donated their works.

Thanks to this project, in fact, a space in a state of thirty years of neglect has been transformed into a place of sharing art and beauty.

In the condominium-museum is now in progress the exhibition GentiliVicini curated by Piera Valentina Gallov with the works of the artists who took part in the residency program 2020 realized with the support of MiBACT and SIAE in Perchicrea. The first exhibition closed to the public – in compliance with the rules imposed by the last DPCM – but reserved to the about 200 inhabitants of the building.


Lara Facco P&C Viale Papiniano 42 | 20123 Milan

+39 02 36565133 | press@larafacco.com |

Lara Facco | +39 349 2529989 | lara@larafacco.com

Denise Solenghi | +39 333 3086921 | denise@larafacco.com

Here the press kit and images of GentiliVicini


On November 25 2020, the assembly with the 100 TSI partners

In a phase of global uncertainty, Torino Social Impact is the transversal alliance of 100 subjects of the territory united in a new model of inclusive development for the city, in the framework of the European debate for recovery from the crisis, in which the social economy will play a key role on a par with more traditional industrial and economic ecosystems. These are 35 entities of the third sector and culture, 22 private profit and nonprofit sector entities, 6 incubators and accelerators, 6 research, innovation and technology transfer entities, 14 dedicated to skills and spaces for innovation, 14 to finance and philanthropy, 3 public entities.

The assembly, reserved for partners, opened with introductory greetings and future prospects by Guido Bolatto, Secretary General of the Chamber of commerce of Turin, Paolo Mulassano, Planet Objective Manager of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, Marco Pironti, City of Turin Councillor.
Following the report on future activities and scenarios by Mario Calderini, Spokesperson of Torino Social Impact.

After a moment of debate, 4 separate working groups were launched at the same time.
The participants, according to their choices, started a collection of ideas on: 1. Innovation mapping 2. Impact finance 3. Tech4good 4. Internationalization.
The objective is to bring out concrete proposals on the 4 strands that, in addition to being at the center of IST’s mission, could be central in the city’s policies in the coming years. For this reason, the groups have started today a work that will continue in the coming months.

Group 1. has laid the foundations for a mapping that serves not only to represent, but above all to attract resources and innovative projects. The objective is also to fill the gaps, enhancing the most hidden but high potential territorial realities, identifying indicators for these evaluations.
Group 2. will focus on matching supply and demand for impact finance, on the theme of setting up dedicated funds and on urban regeneration as the main theme of the interventions to be stimulated.
Group 3. aims to initiate work on understanding and decoding the Tech4good strand as a lever for sustainable change that uses technology to benefit people and the environment.
Group 4. proposes itself, through TSI, as a place to put the common heritage of international relations as a resource at the disposal of the territory to obtain credibility and listening at an European level.

Remaining on the potential of TSI as a bridge to Europe, during the Assembly was also launched the 2021 Torino Impact City initiative: 3 international events are already on the agenda in Turin: GSG – Ashoka – IRIS Network and TSI will continue to be a protagonist in Road To Mannheim, the policy-shaping process towards the European Action Plan for the Social Economy that will be approved in the second half of 2021.

In the second half of 2021 will be approved a European Action Plan for the Social Economy, a key document of a new vision of the economic system, a key tool to systematically integrate the social economy in the different socio-economic policies of the European Union, as well as in its actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A plan in which third sector and social impact can play a transformative role and strengthen the capacity to react to crises. The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the strong contribution of the social economy to the well-being of the population, proving to be a fundamental part of the European Protection Network and therefore a pillar of the socio-economic landscape of Europe. At the same time, however, the negative economic impact on businesses and social organizations has been strong and concrete actions are therefore necessary to safeguard this crucial part of the European entrepreneurial fabric, which must be considered a pillar of a new economy that brings social and environmental value.

In the path of accreditation at the EU that TSI is strongly pursuing in recent months, there is also the speech of Mario Calderini, IST spokesman, as keynote speaker at the seminar organized on November 26 by the European Commission, “Envisioning the future of social economy as a catalyst for transformational change in industry and society”. The event is part of the conference Recovery Strategy for Europe, the third stage of the Road to Mannheim program towards the construction of the EU Social Economy Action Plan. The participation of IST spokesperson Mario Calderini confirms IST as a model of territorial partnership for the strengthening of ecosystems with social impact, which was already presented in September at the first Road to Mannheim event “New challenges, new innovations, new solidarity – Social economy in the fight against COVID” and was also selected by the European Commission as the organizer of one of the panels of the last Road to Mannheim conference, scheduled for April 29th on “Partnerships for maximizing social impact”.

IMPACT PROTOTYPES LABS | Second edition 2020 – 2021

After the success of the first edition of #ImpactPrototypesLabs, the second edition of Impact Prototypes Labs 2020-2021 starts!

Impact Prototypes Labs is the first practical program for the development of prototype solutions with social impact for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Piedmont. The program is based on the collaboration between the company and a multidisciplinary group of students of the Master’s Degrees of the Politecnico di Torino, accompanied by teachers in a project-based training course on the themes of innovation and social impact.

The 2020-2021 edition is based on an ecosystem of skills and reputation: the Cottino Social Impact Campus and the Polytechnic of Turin, with the Turin Chamber of commerce, Unicredit, Unione Industriale Torino, API Torino, Confindustria Canavese and Torino Social Impact meet the challenge of the impact economy and accompany the development of Piedmontese SMEs.

For who

For all SMEs in the Piedmont Region that want to embrace and spread knowledge and awareness of impact-oriented business strategies within the company.
For students of the Master’s Degrees of the Politecnico di Torino who wish to learn in the field how to build impact oriented business initiatives.

Why should a company participate?

  • To develop a social impact innovation project
  • To seize the opportunities of resources allocated by the impact economy at European level
  • To expose your business to impact investing opportunities
  • To differentiate in the market in terms of skills and visibility
  • To add the impact lens to your positioning
  • To receive dedicated training from Cottino Social Impact Campus and Chamber of Commerce
  • To expand and consolidate relations with the world of institutions, credit, scientific research and training

Find out how to apply here!

Why should a student participate?

  • To acquire skills on the topic of innovation and social impact
  • To get in touch with companies in the area and with important partners and to open up to internship and job opportunities at participating companies
  • To learn how to manage a complex innovation project by working in a team
  • To have the opportunity to analyze and develop a real case of business
  • To have a tutor available to support the management of the project
  • To have the future possibility to develop the project also in a master’s thesis
  • To get the recognition of curricular or extra-curricular training credits

Find out how to apply here!

Recovery Strategy for Europe – The role of social economy in building a resilient and sustainable economy?

To do their part in the fight against COVID-19 the European Commission and the City of Mannheim decided to organize 8 fully digital events with the goal of strengthening networks in the Social Economy, creating exchange and facilitating dialogue between stakeholders and the European Commission. Each roadmap event focuses on a specific topic, with the results contributing to the Social Economy Action Plan and European Green Deal.

To help repair the economic and social damage brought by the coronavirus pandemic, the European Commission proposed a major recovery plan for Europe, leading the way out of the crisis and laying foundations for a modern and more sustainable Europe. The bulk of the proposed recovery measures will be powered by a new temporary recovery instrument Next Generation EU with financial firepower of €750 billion.

The 26th and the 27th of November would have been the dates for the “European Social Economy Summit” and to commemorate this, 2 days event has been organized with over 15 different stakeholder sessions from all over Europe and beyond under the suitable umbrella theme “Recovery strategy for Europe”, with speakers such as EU- COMMISSIONER Nicolas Schmit. The first day will discuss the role of the social economy in building a resilient and sustainable economy; the second day will involve ministers and state secretaries from EU member states, representatives from the Social Entrepreneurship Network Germany and the federal working group for non-governmental social services, as well as a political panel with members of the German Parliament.

On November 26th, the speech of TSI spokesman Mario Calderini as keynote speaker at the seminar organized by DG EMPL of the European Commission, PPMI and Tiresia – Politecnico di Milano, where the results of the “Study on the benefits of using social outcome contracting in the provision of social services and interventions – a cross-country comparative assessment of evolving good practice in cross-sectoral partnerships for public value creation” will be presented, is part of the EU accreditation process that IST is strongly pursuing in these months.

Confirming that Torino Social Impact is establishing itself in Europe as a virtuous model of partnership for the strengthening of the local ecosystem with social impact, in September TSI was among the keynote speakers at the event “New challenges, new innovations, new solidarities – Social Economy in the fight against COVID, in the framework of Road to Mannheim, a milestone towards the construction of the EU Social Economy Action Plan.
It was also selected by the European Commission as organizer of one of the panels of the last conference, scheduled for April 29th on “Partnerships for maximizing social impact”.

For more information and program, visit the page: https://hopin.com/events/recovery-strategy-for-europe

Memory of the Future – 2020 Edition

The theme of the tenth edition of the Festival of Social Doctrine is Memory of the Future.

Memory of the Future is to remember that we are part of a history that moves in a great embrace, it is to recover the original inspiration to the good, making peace with the past, which, cleared by nostalgia or regret, becomes fertile ground to build the future.

Life unfolds with its own rhythms, not programmable. It challenges us with its load of pain, disappointments, mistakes, mistakes, efforts, trials, illnesses… it gives us back our limit and invites us to look beyond because only in this way is it possible to welcome reality, sensing the deep meaning that lies within a project that precedes and surpasses us.

Looking beyond means overcoming the tiredness that withers the heart, the fear that blocks action, the search for security and guarantees placed in power, in money, in science.
Looking beyond allows us not to depend on the result, so success does not exalt and failure does not depress, but rather invites us to reorient the path.
Looking beyond requires a goal that is able to illuminate the path in the present and restore peace in the heart. A peace that is prodigal of actions, attention, care, creativity, impetus, concreteness.
To look beyond means to free oneself from the self and to make possible authentic relationships with others in a shared journey in which the “we” takes the place of the “I”.
Precisely when we look beyond the people we set ourselves in motion, we restore ardor to passion, stimulus to action, concreteness of doing.

For this reason, remembering the future has a social implication: free from roles and corporate selfishness, it gives back the vision of the whole, active collaborations, it makes possible the pursuit of the good of all and of each one.
Remembering the future allows us to see things in their right dimension, to grasp the fragments of truth present in the different disciplines and to rejoice in them, making synthesis and new starting points.
Remembering the future activates collective energies, allows us to imagine what is not yet there by starting processes that do not end with ourselves and that others will enjoy.
Remembering the future restores the correct idea of development, of integral development, and puts communities, territories and peoples on the road, aware that the future awaits people who will make it present.
To remember the future makes it possible to stay “beyond places, within time”, to accept “the challenge of reality”, to “stay among people”, to give reason that “fidelity is change”, to assume “the risk of freedom”, to “be present, social polyphony”.

We are a synthesis of memory and future. The participation of each one of us in the SDC Festival will lead us to find each other, to recognize each other, to share fears, ideas, hopes and actions inspired by each other. Because remembering the future is a guarantee of freedom, vocation and destiny of man, called not so much to do new things, but to make all things new.

On Monday, November 23, 2020 at 10.30 am, do not miss the live of the opening of the Festival on YouTube, with the planting of the tree of the Social Doctrine of the Church in the Collegio Artigianelli.

Download HERE the poster of the entire event.

March 26 2020 – “How Social Impact and Circular Economy meet Digital Transformation” Conference

The European Journal of Social Impact and Circular Economy, born during the first course on Social Impact Assessment, is organizing the first conference “How Social Impact and Circular Economy meet Digital Transformation?” in which all Torino Social Impact partners are invited to participate.

The workshop will consider papers of theoretical and empirical nature respectively (the topics are reported in the Call for Paper).

The conference, free, given the current situation, will be realized on a digital platform.


The growing attention to social issues goes hand in hand with the need to reverse the ongoing climate change.
The connection between the two themes is simple. Our planet in its fragility requires alternative economic systems based on an enormous respect for shared resources. At the same time, more and more people remain marginalized, and this requires companies to take increasing responsibility for social redistribution.
It is therefore necessary for companies to develop new models that, while drawing on the one hand on the smallest possible number of resources, on the other hand distribute the social impact to stakeholders.
The technology sector, in its many forms, shows enormous potential for organization, design, adaptation and reporting on change. To this end, we launch a discussion on how social impact and the circular economy meet digital transformation.


To stimulate theoretical discussion on the previous main themes;
To discover case studies and practitioners’ views on the social impact and circular economy among digital transformations.

Cottino Social Impact Campus | Impact Entrepreneurship Program

What are the impact tools and how to use them?

ESCP Turin and Cottino Social Impact Campus launch the Impact Entrepreneurship Programme!

The oldest Business School in the world and the first center in Europe dedicated to impact education present the new path to train a new generation of experts in “high social impact entrepreneurship”.

Participants will be involved in a 120-hour learning journey divided into 4 modules, from January to April 2021, during which they will be provided with tools and strategies for impact entrepreneurship. The course, delivered in English, is a specialization for students of the Master in Management (MIM) of ESCP but will be attended by students from outside the Business School, graduates of any discipline and young professionals graduated no more than three years ago, who will be introduced to this new systemic approach with frontal lessons, case studies, testimonials, group work and simulations, with the possibility of real experiential learning through on-site visits to local impact entrepreneurs and social business.

Cottino Social Impact Campus.
ESCP Business School Turin Campus.

January to April 2021


Learning Journey with:

Sign up


The Impact Integrity webinar cycle continues

THE FREE WEBINARS ON IMPACT INVESTING TO RELAUNCH SOCIAL GREEN FINANCE IN ITALY CONTINUE. Upcoming appointments November 13 and 30, on measurement standards and relationship between finance and SDGs.

Refine techniques and methodologies to measure the social impact of companies and put investors in a position to really choose an investment with positive social and environmental impacts. This is the work being done by Social Impact Agenda for Italy, the Italian network of social impact finance and all the actors of the national “impact economy”.

The next webinar, Friday, November 13 from 15.00 to 16.30, in collaboration with the Department of Management of La Sapienza University, will present the Impact Management Project (IMP).

The third and last appointment on Monday 30 November, from 1 pm to 2.30 pm, will illustrate the UNDP standards that strengthen the contribution of impact financial products, such as bonds and equity funds, in relation to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainability Goals (SDGs).

All the information to participate in the free webinars at www.socialimpactagenda.it

Social Impact School

On what assumptions should a new model for schools be based in terms of security, architecture, urban planning and economic sustainability? We will discuss this in our webinar on November 26th, starting from the research of Alfonso Femia (Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia) and Ivo Allegro (Initiative).

Social Impact School is the title of the new webinar promoted by Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino, scheduled for Thursday, November 26th: a 3-hour full immersion that will investigate the assumptions on which to base a new model for school buildings in our country through a multi-voice dialogue.

Starting from the observation that many schools in Italy are not safe from an earthquake-proof, fireproof and anticontage point of view, the meeting wants to be an opportunity to imagine operational tools capable of responding to these deficiencies, but also to think about possible design solutions, urban planning and environmental and economic sustainability.

The comparison will start from the research of Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia, architect and moderator of the meeting, who will deepen the issue through three main strands: financial capacity, economic sustainability and architectural and urban design. Three ideas from which the discussion will start with the president of the Fondazione per l’architettura Alessandra Siviero, the vice-president of the Ordine Architetti Torino Cristina Coscia, the director of the Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino Eleonora Gerbotto, the founder and partner of Iniziativa Ivo Allegro, the director of the Fondazione per la Scuola della Compagnia di San Paolo Nicola Crepax, the director of the Agnelli Foundation Andrea Gavosto, the Councillor for Education of the City of Milan Laura Galimberti, the Councillor for Urban Planning of Prato Valerio Barberis, the Mayor of Settimo Torinese Elena Piastra, the President of the Order of Architects Bologna Pier Giorgio Giannelli, the CEO of IREN Energia Giuseppe Bergesio and Giovanni Spatti of Wood Beton S. p.A.

Registrations are open: go to the dedicated page and book your place at the webinar!

Startup Your Life – 2020 Edition

Awarded the winning projects of the competition dedicated to high school students.


On October 29th, in a totally digital version, the award ceremony of the Startup Your Life – 2020 Edition contest took place, linked to the UniCredit Social Impact Banking‘s financial and business education program of the same name, in which more than 300 schools participated and dedicated to students in the three years of high school. The event was included among the initiatives of the Month of Financial Education promoted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Two projects were the absolute winners, selected by a commission of experts:

Jugaad: in the “Hindi” language it means finding intelligent solutions using what is available. It is a prepaid card that encourages the use of public transport or vehicles with low environmental impact. Every time you use this type of service, points are credited to the card that can be converted into money or discounts for eco-sustainable services or products. The selected proposal was developed by the III C of the I.I.S. Vittorio Emanuele II of Naples.

ITERO – Repetita iuvant: a new app that aims to facilitate research and contact with teachers, in order to organize meetings and courses for students who need in-depth lessons. The winning idea was presented by class III F SCI of the Liceo Scientifico Aristotele of Rome.

The winners will receive, in recognition, thirteen computers that will be used by schools for educational purposes, in order to support school digitization.

Handle: payment method that uses biometric technology to transfer money by scanning the palm of the hand. An app designed for expert teenagers, created by the III F RIM of I.T.C Tosi of Busto Arsizio (MI) and awarded for the completeness of treatment.

Uniscansion – eyes: an application that allows you to make payments in an innovative and secure way by scanning the iris. All operations will be confirmed by the system through messages sent to the owner’s cell phone. The work was presented by the III A AFM of I.I.S. Sella Aalto Lagrange of Turin and awarded for creativity.

Grillo Parlante Credit: innovative prepaid card that helps to better manage time by changing color according to more or less virtuous behavior. The card will be credited with points based on school success and extracurricular activities such as volunteering, healthy eating and physical activity. A project of the III B SCI of I.S.S. Leonardo Da Vinci of Niscemi (CL), awarded for innovation.

Start Your Travel: prepaid card that encourages young people to buy goods and services related to culture, sport and technology. The purchases make the credit card mature on the card that reward the virtuous behavior of users in terms of personal growth, stimulating the culture of savings. An idea of the IV C of the B. Russel high school in Cles (TN), awarded for its clarity and effectiveness in communication.

Among the projects carried out with the aim of creating an innovative and socially aware startup:

Night & Day Bus S.R.L: useful and ecological transport service, also suitable for people with disabilities, which allows young people to move safely to have fun or to know the cultural heritage of their city. It was designed by the IV A AFM of the I.I.S. Leopoldo Pirelli of Rome and awarded for the completeness of its treatment.

The Elder is the Future: the business idea involves the creation of fabrics from recycled plastic bottles, orange peels, old jeans and dyed using natural dyes. Presented by the IV C SIA of I.I.S.S. Giannelli of Parabita (LE) has been awarded for creativity.

Old but Fashion: a service that gives new life to old clothes, producing custom-made, trendy clothing that promotes the circular economy with attention to environmental sustainability issues. The work of the IV C of the I.I.S. Vittorio Emanuele II of Naples has been awarded for the innovativeness of the business idea.

Youbike S.R.L: a startup that operates in the cycling tourism market, offering a bike sharing service of electric bicycles, tandems and rickshaws. The offer also includes the organization of guided tours and cultural events to enhance the territory. Conceived by IV A RIM of I.I.S. D. Zaccagna di Carrara (MS) and awarded for its communicative effectiveness.

Financial education is a key component of UniCredit Social Impact Banking,” said Jean Pierre Mustier, UniCredit CEO. I am proud to successfully celebrate the conclusion of the third edition of the Startup Your Life program and launch the fourth for the 2020/21 school year. Special thanks go to all the teachers, more than 1,200 in the last year alone, who have supported students in our program and to the volunteers, UniCredit employees and former UniGens associates, without whom this project would not have been possible.

Startup Your Life – recognized by the Ministry of Education among the “Pathways for transversal skills and guidance” – has reached, since its inception in 2017, more than 41,000 students, providing more than 2,600,000 hours of training between teaching and experiential design, involving about 300 schools each year. Students have access to a digital cooperative learning platform and the tutoring of about 400 volunteer educators, including UniCredit employees and former UniGens associates, whose training interventions are guaranteed even remotely, ensuring the continuity of the program.

The new edition will also offer free access to specialized applications for distance learning to all schools.

Thanks to the three-year Startup Your Life program, UniCredit wants to promote the development of active citizenship and economic awareness of young people. With this project, we are giving new generations the opportunity to learn not only the basics of economics so that they are able to manage their assets and achieve economic independence, but also to experience how to do business and discover their professional talents,” said Laura Penna, Head of Group Social Impact Banking.

Capital Finance International rewards UniCredit as Best Social Impact Bank in Europa

UniCredit was named Best Social Impact Bank in Europe in 2020 by Capital Finance International (CFI.co) magazine. The jury highlighted UniCredit’s determination to “make a difference and make an impact” as well as its pandemic efforts to engage its stakeholders, grasp their concerns and needs and promptly adapt its policies and product offering. The Bank’s commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive work environment and “important and significant corporate social responsibility policies” have also been rewarded.

Commenting on the award, Roberta Marracino, Head of Group ESG Strategy & Impact Banking, said: “We are very proud to be recognized by CFI as the Best Social Impact Bank in Europe. This confirms how the efforts made through the Social Impact Banking program, the work of the UniCredit Foundation and the Group’s broader approach to ESG issues have been noticed and appreciated by our stakeholders. Acting in a socially responsible manner continues to be a priority for UniCredit. The crisis caused by the Covid-19 emergency has made us all much more aware of the role of companies in driving positive social change. We will continue to do the right thing and work in this direction in line with the needs and interests of all our counterparts”.

The winners were selected by a jury of industry experts with the aim of identifying individuals and organizations that can make a significant contribution to the convergence of economies and bring value to all those involved.

Since its launch, UniCredit Social Impact Banking has supported more than 4,000 beneficiaries through microcredit initiatives and impact financing, as well as providing various financial education programs for approximately 50,000 young and disadvantaged people.

As evidence of its continued social commitment, in 2020 the Group allocated more than €6.4 billion[1] to SMEs in Europe to address the Covid-19 emergency. Thanks to the contribution of the UniCredit Foundation, hospitals and non-profit organizations in the front line in the fight against the pandemic and operating in the various countries where UniCredit operates have also been supported through major donations.

Hybrid Enterprise Atelier continues!

Atelier of the hybrid enterprise continues, and the next appointment with the Academy will be Monday, November 9 with the lessons of room 5: “Standard and creativity”.
For more information visit: https://atelierimpresaibrida.org/academy/

Futuro Prossimo, a series of meetings with big names from the economy, business, research and institutions, started this week: 6 digital talks, free of charge, open to the public and live streaming, to discuss some of the crucial issues on the horizon of the hybrid enterprise: finance, technological innovation, politics, circular economy, diversity.

Banking foundations are changing their skin, and are fast approaching the hybridization of models. Alberto Francesco Anfossi (Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation), Massimo Lapucci (FONDAZIONE CRT) and Andrea Silvestri (Fondazione CRC) talked about it in the first live digital talk “The social antidote. The new attitude of banking foundations”.

In this article Annalisa Magone, Co-founder of Atelier of the hybrid enterprise, pulls the strings of the event in a reflection on the change taking place, the role of foundations and the impact that their action has had and has on the territories in which they operate.

Don’t miss all the updates of Future Next on Atelier of the hybrid enterprise!
Here is the link to subscribe to the events: bit.ly/AII_FuturoProssimo


Cottino Social Impact Campus – Discover the next Impact Dives!

Guido Palazzo, Vice Dean and Professor of Business Ethics at HEC, University of Lausanne, and Director of Executive Education at HEC Lausanne, will guide us on a journey of exploration and learning by analyzing contemporary and future challenges in terms of business ethics, organizational behavior and narrative for change.

The Cottino Social Impact Campus is honored to host two unique impact culture events with Professor Guido Palazzo: 2 Impact Dive related to the social impact, negative and positive, that all of us as organizations and individuals can generate, and for which we must have new cognitive and practical tools in order to develop a conscious architecture of intentional and transformative choices for our organizations and communities.

Our journey with Professor Guido Palazzo starts here!

In “From Yale to Jail” Why do good people make unethical decisions? Professor Palazzo will lead us in an exploration of the causes and motivations that drive leaders and their organizations to “the dark side of force”.
Case studies and group discussions will explore the concept of “ethical blindness” – the inability of decision-makers to see that what they do is wrong – and the ways in which managers and leaders can reduce the costly risk of acting unethically.

Our e-learning platform

November 23, 2020 (1.5 hours)
November 25, 2020 (1.5 hours)
November 27, 2020 (1.5 hours)

6-7.30 pm


Register here

In Storytelling for Social Change, Professor Palazzo will analyze the hidden characteristics to develop a transformative narrative. While past societies have always been guided by “great narratives”, today society seems to be rather characterized by continuous narrative fragmentation and increasing information noise.

Prof. Palazzo will explore the key questions behind a transformative narrative:
How can an organization evolve its purpose-driven narrative? What ex-ante cohesion can generate authentic coherence for an organization’s narrative?

Our e-learning platform

December 3, 2020 (1.5 hours)
December 10, 2020 (1.5 hours)
December 17, 2020 (1.5 hours)

6-7.30 pm


Register here

TSI spokesman Mario Calderini confirmed as president of the Committee for Social Entrepreneurship

Mario Calderini has been confirmed president of  the Committee for Social Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of commerce of Turin. Calderini worked immediately with the Committee to create and support Torino Social Impact.

The Committee reiterated the strategic plan of Torino Social Impact, which is developed in actions to strengthen and promote the ecosystem. 2021 will see Cis committed to consolidating its position on the national and international scene: Turin will host the next world summit on impact investing in May, while in November the international summit by Ashoka, the world’s largest network of entrepreneurs for social innovation, which creates transversal alliances capable of changing entire systems and which selects, networks and trains over 3,500 social entrepreneurs, active in various sectors and around the world.

The Committee has also declared to continue its commitment on some project strands:

  • the Social Stock Exchange, a prototype of an organized market, dedicated entirely to social impact
  • the Competence Center for Impact Measurement, which has realized the first university course on impact assessment and aims for the immediate future to create a structure to manage the measurement requests coming from the territory
  • Tech4good, a system of concrete technological solutions for the third sector.

The Committee includes representatives of the University of Turin, the Polytechnic of Turin, the third sector of the Turin metropolitan area, such as the cooperative centers of Confcooperative Piemonte Nord and Legacoop Piemonte, the Voluntary Service Center and the world of work and trade unions.

2nd place for Giulia Pettinau, CEO of Orangogo, at the Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2020

Giulia Pettinau, CEO of Orangogo, won second place at the Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2020, organized by Youth Business International (YBI) and Citi Foundation to reward young female entrepreneurs in Europe.

The Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year award took place via streaming on 20 October and celebrated 11 of Europe’s most innovative young female entrepreneurs, who are among the 26,000 young entrepreneurs the Youth Business Europe program has supported over the past five years, with a tailor-made package of entrepreneurial training and business mentoring support. The program is part of the Pathways to Progress initiative launched by Citi Foundation, which aims to help tackle youth unemployment and access to decent work.

The victory was announced by Pip Jamieson, founder and CEO of The Dots. Giulia was honored for her outstanding work in creating Orangogo, an online search engine that allows users to find nearby sports clubs using geolocation and other filters.

Giulia describes the company as an innovative start-up that aims to help people discover their sports talent. “Orangogo now employs 18 people, 15 of whom are women. The company plans to expand its service in France”.

Giulia has been supported in her entrepreneurial journey by the Business Mentors of the MicroLab Association, part of the Youth Business Europe network.

The Youth Business Europe program has trained and guided young female entrepreneurs to provide them with the skills, confidence and connections they need to become successful entrepreneurs. The YBE partnership includes 11 YBI member organizations in 10 countries: Belgium (microStart), France (Adie, Positive Planet), Germany (KIZ), Italy (MicroLab), Ireland (Inner City Enterprise), Kazakhstan (MOST Business Incubator), the Netherlands (Qredits), Russia (jointly supported by YBI Youth Business Russia member together with Impact Hub Moscow), Spain (Youth Business Spain) and Sweden (Swedish Jobs and Society).

Bonnie Chiu, Managing Director, The Social Investment Consultancy, congratulated all 11 finalists of the award, stressing the importance of breaking down barriers that limit women’s entry into the business world:

Growing up I had no role models to look to as women entrepreneurs. When I think of an entrepreneur I think of people who are in the field, serving their communities, doing the hardest work. They are the ones who keep our economies going. Most women entrepreneurs look at their business as a way to support society. In times like these we need it more than ever. ”

Pip Jamieson, founder and CEO of The Dots, said about the Youth Business Europe network:

There are several challenges to face as a female entrepreneur. Not being alone and being part of a network like Youth Business Europe is very important”, and she stressed the importance of creating a business focused on the social good: “The thing that has allowed me to overcome difficult times as an entrepreneur has been that we have always had a social purpose at the heart of our business. The social purpose has helped me to persevere in difficult times when I could have given up. I have combined what I love to do, what I am good at, but most importantly, what the world needs. It is about trying to make the world a better place. There has never been a better time in history to be a female entrepreneur”.

Anita Tiessen, CEO of YBI, called for more support from governments in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, saying, “I am incredibly proud of what all the finalists have achieved today. Every woman who succeeds in her business brings us one step closer to gender equality in business. But while governments around the world plan for economic recovery, we cannot risk leaving a generation of girls and young women behind. We urgently need them to better rebuild and create the SMEs that are vital to our economies and communities”.

Silvia Boschetti, responsible for Citi’s public affairs and government affairs in Italy, said: “Like thousands of entrepreneurs we have worked with, the eleven talented and resilient finalists we are celebrating today needed support to turn their idea into a successful business. Women-owned businesses are not secondary. The Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year award finalists are filling gaps in their markets and devising innovative solutions to address the problems we face at a very difficult time for our economies and communities”.

Barrito is looking for you!

Casa del Quartiere Barrito in Nizza Millefonti is one of the nodes of the network of the Neighborhood Houses of Turin and today it is proposed as a reference point for the social and cultural life of Nizza Millefonti. After years of activity, the cooperative that manages the Barrito has decided to launch a call to select a designer, in collaboration with Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino.

Halfway between Piazza Carducci and the Molinette Hospital, the Barrito is not only a simple meeting and refreshment place, but also a space where everyone can propose and attend workshops, courses, concerts and small events. Structured on two floors, the Casa del Quartiere currently houses a restaurant, a multifunctional hall, a partially covered courtyard and a guest house reserved for the relatives of patients admitted to the Molinette, offering itself as a practical support point in the immediate vicinity of the hospital.

To make the most of its potential, Barrito is looking for a designer to draw up a feasibility study for the transformation and adaptation of some of its indoor and outdoor spaces.
The selection is structured in two phases: during the first phase 5 candidates will be selected on the basis of their curricula, who will be invited in the second phase to an individual interview.

You can apply no later than 12.00 noon on November 5th, 2020 by sending through Certified-Email amministrazione.fondazione@architettitorinopec.it your CV and the required documentation: for all details and applications download the notice and the application form.

Mirrored in each other

A meeting place, a place where you can identify with the other and reflect in his image, live a few moments of serenity in the frenzy of the present. Risorgimento Social Club and 28.Lo spazio di mezzo are two projects of Bottom Up!, the architecture festival promoted by Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino and the Order of Architects of Turin , which with their ideas aim to become a physical point of reference to strengthen social cohesion. Here is what they are about and how to support them.

Risorgimento Social Club

The Circolo Risorgimento in via Poggio is a historic ANPI di Barriera di Barriera di Milano bowling alley, a piece of history of the district from which entire generations have passed. The idea of Risorgimento Social Club includes a redesign of the areas outside the club, such as the pergola and the bowling green, but also the enhancement of the large unfinished canopy, to be furnished with small decorative elements and light structures. The club, therefore, intends to propose itself as a place open to everyone in which to host shows, cultivate small plots of vegetable garden and play football; all this through a pact of collaboration between the association and the inhabitants so that the club confirms itself as a place of shared celebration and reference point for all inhabitants, offering support and entertainment with outdoor cinema, book presentations, small concerts and recreational activities for all ages.
For the donors who will bring the project closer to completion, Risorgimento Social Club has several rewards up for grabs: from the chance to see your name on the “wall of fame” inside the club, to the plastic-free water bottle to the club’s screen-printed t-shirt and personalized dinners. Follow the Facebook page and Instagram profile for all updates on the project!

28.Lo spazio di mezzo

In via Medici 28, in Turin, there are some unused premises with great potential that could be transformed into a new center of dialogue and exchange with the large Chinese community of Turin. The project 28.Lo spazio di mezzo aims to create in these spaces an intercultural meeting place, perfect for playful and associative activities, study and comparison, coordinated by 5 five Turin and Chinese associations. To realize all this, it is necessary a work of preparation that also foresees the participation of Turin students through a workshop and the support of the research group China Room of the Polytechnic of Turin. The intervention can only be realized through the support of donors who will contribute through the crowdfunding campaign and the Circoscrizione 4; 28.Lo spazio di mezzo is also the winner of the call “Ricontriamoci” of the Compagnia San Paolo Foundation, thanks to which it received the funds for the realization of the project that will be added to the donations collected by November 3rd. For the supporters of the project there are many rewards up for grabs: just to name a few, the reservation for the first event to be held in the new space, a personalized shopper, a special drink and many surprise gadgets. Follow the Instagram profile for all updates on the project and to see the next video interviews with experts in Italy-China relations!

These are only two of the projects of the festival Bottom Up!; to know and support all the others, go to crowdfunding.bottomuptorino.it page. If you make a donation of 50 euros or more you will receive an official t-shirt of the festival!

Prizes to tackle Europe’s biggest challenges

The global crisis we are going through has highlighted the need for innovative solutions to the most pressing social challenges, starting with the daily ones faced by local communities using the potential of collective intelligence.

In this scenario, challenge prizes prove to be effective tools to test creative solutions using economic resources in a more efficient and conscious way.

Tuesday, October 27th from 2:00 pm during a live Facebook talk on Nesta Italia’s page, a series of international experiences will be explored together with:

  • Dr. Amy Kaminski (Program Executive – Prizes and Challenges, NASA Solve)
  • Kalle Nieminen (Leading Specialist, Sitra – The Finnish Innovation Fund)
  • Tris Dyson (Managing Director, Nesta Challenges)

Moderator: Marco Zappalorto (CEO, Nesta Italia).

Financial Education Month: Impact Investing Pills

Every day, several times a day, we are at a crossroads. We can contribute with our actions and choices to a sustainable future or not.
Every day, as citizens, consumers and investors, we can take a small step towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals before it is too late.

Sustainable, positive-impact investments serve this purpose: to bring finance back into the service of the real economy, for resilient and inclusive development.

We believe that it is essential to raise awareness among citizens, public bodies and businesses of the importance of their investments and the impact – positive or negative – they may have on the environment and society.

Awareness of the impact of one’s consumption and investment choices must be part of citizens’ financial literacy.

For this reason, in the framework of the Month of Financial Education, we invite you to two appointments:

  • October 20th – The glossary of sustainable finance
  • October 27th – The democratization of impact investing


The Month of Financial Education is an initiative, in its third edition, dedicated to increasing citizens’ knowledge of finance, savings and welfare. It is a series of events (online and offline) organized by public and private institutions, to contribute to the dissemination of basic knowledge among the Italian population.

The Month of Financial Education is a national initiative organized by the Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities.

The Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities has the task of planning and promoting initiatives to raise awareness and financial education to measurably improve the skills of Italian citizens in savings, investments, welfare, insurance. The Committee is composed of: Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Labour, Bank of Italy, Consob, Covip, Ivass, Ocf, National Council of Consumers and Users.

Corporate Meeting Digital4Social

On November 10th, selection of the companies belonging to the ICT Innovation Pole of Piedmont Region more attentive to the social impact will present their most innovative and concrete solutions for digital and technological transformation, linked to the new social challenges to which all companies, and in particular social enterprises and actors of volunteering, are called.

The event is organized by the Torino Wireless Foundation in synergy with the P.IN.S – Piemonte Innovazione per il Sociale Project and Torino Social Impact.

Why participate

The Covid-19 has been and continues to be, first and foremost, a great accelerator of processes, for better or for worse. It has, in fact, extended and exploded the fragilities and vulnerabilities of our society and has inevitably brought out the need and opportunity to invest in the transformation of the modes of delivery of most services: from those of a social welfare nature, first and foremost, to those of a cultural, educational and logistical nature.

On the eve of the pandemic, the most receptive and proacting social enterprises were well aware that citizens’ demand had changed, that public resources would be increasingly scarce and that it had become essential to build new, more extensive welfare pathways. It was necessary to look beyond the classic supply chains – such as those of frailty, disability, the elderly – to look at the creation of qualified employment, the redevelopment of the suburbs and the recruitment of young people. All this with a strong attention to the role of technologies and social impact and starting processes of hybridization and alliance with profit companies, especially the most innovative and open.

This is why the launch of an alliance and a structured exchange between social enterprises, Torino Social Impact, the Region, with the project P.IN.S – Piemonte Innovazione per il Sociale, and the ICT Pole, the technological cluster by definition open to transformation and innovation, is a challenge that is born winning and that is more current than ever.

The Corporate Meeting is:

  • LIVE EVENT in remote connection on ZOOM platform, in which the companies adhering to the ICT Pole present their solutions with quick interventions of 5 minutes on the model of speed pitching.
  • B2B MEETINGS organized in the days following the meeting, which take place in remote connection. Each live participant can request personalized appointments to each speaker. The meetings will be scheduled in the following days and will take place remotely.