Thanks to I3S – Digital Innovation for the Third Sector project, 16 social enterprises and voluntary associations, together with their representative bodies, will work with the Torino Wireless Foundation to develop a digital and technological innovation path to reinterpret their offer and create new processes and services.
The pandemic has revealed the need and the opportunity to invest in the transformation of the delivery of most services: what role can technology play?
Torino Wireless has taken up this challenge and, supported by the Turin Chamber of commerce as part of the Torino Social Impact strategic plan, has involved in the I3S Project the representative bodies on the territory (Confcooperative, Lega COOP, VOL.TO) and, through them, 16 third sector entities, including social cooperatives, networks and voluntary associations, who will work side by side and together with a group of ICT companies to design and test digital transformation projects.
For further info, please visit the project page.