SocialFare | Center for Social Innovation in Italy is the first Italian center specifically dedicated to social innovation: through research, engagement and co-design it develops innovative solutions to the pressing contemporary social challenges, generating a new economy.

It is based on the belief that social value can generate economic value and convergence to innovate products, services and models. With a broad network of national and international partners, it accelerates social impact knowledge and entrepreneurship through systemic design, design thinking, enabling technologies, social finance, mentoring and scalability networking.

Since 2015, SocialFare has promoted a model of convergence innovation through Rinascimenti Sociali – aka Social Renaissance – a physical place and convergence network to accelerate knowledge and entrepreneurship with a Social Impact in Italy, with its headquarters in Turin, a social city by vocation, today to all effects a reference point in Italy for Social Innovation and startups.

Certified incubator by MISE.
