Starting from 2021 Torino Social Impact becomes part of REVES, the first European organization based on partnerships between local and regional authorities and territorial actors of the social economy.
Under Social economy REVES considers cooperatives, mutual societies, associations, foundations and, more in general, all those organisations asserting the “primacy of individual and of social objective over capital, the voluntary and open membership, the democratic control by membership, the combination of interests of members/users and the general interest, the defence and application of the principle of solidarity and responsibility, the autonomous management and the sustainable use of most of surpluses”.
REVES MEMBERS are those local authorities or social economy organisation that are presently developing or are willing to develop policies to promote social and solidarity based economy, for a most fair, inclusive, participative and responsible society; a network of social innovation in terms both of methods and procedures based on co-construction and shared capacities of the members and their territories.