The City of Torino and the Chamber of commerce of Torino are partners of the European project ASIS “Alpine Social Innovation Strategy” within the framework of the European program Interreg Alpine Space. The project, which aims to develop and promote a new vision of social innovation in the Alpine Space, increasing the capacity to propose public policies to support social innovation, involved 10 partners from Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia.
The two days of Social Innovation Academy, organized in the frame of Torino Social Impact and with the collaboration of Biennale Democrazia, will address the theme of the role of the public sector as a stimulus for the activation of social innovation projects and generative welfare, as well as the innovative rules available to PAs to experiment and innovate and the measurement of social impact as a key for the promotion of projects and positive actions for the community.
These days of training are intended to guide participants to discover the outputs generated by the project and stimulate discussion, deepening the challenges and issues that emerged by declining them at the local level.
The SI Academy will be structured in 3 modules and organized in online mode.
Wednesday 24 March 2021
10 am – 1 pm “The role of communities and the public sector in stimulating and supporting projects of Social Innovation and Generative Welfare”.
3 pm – 5:30 pm “Social Innovation in Public Administrations. State of the art of regulatory and organizational tools”.
Thursday 25 March 2021
10 am – 12:30 pm “Social impact between methodologies, measurement and concrete application in PA”.
The detailed program is available on Eventbrite, where registrations are active:
It will also be possible for non-members to follow the live broadcast on the Torino Social Impact Youtube channel.
The Asis project will close its work on April 1st with another day dedicated to social innovation, the Alpine Social Innovation Day. After a plenary session, the day will be divided into 6 workshops, questioning how social innovation changes cooperation and public action, based on testimonials, European pilot experiments and some of the results of the ASIS project. In addition, several networking sessions will be organized, to stimulate conversations and give participants the opportunity to meet virtually and share opportunities.
Workshop 5 is dedicated to social impact: “Social impact, methodologies, measurements and concrete applications”.
The final international event – April 1 – is open to the public. For the detailed program and registration:
For more information on the ASIS project and the SI Academy: