The Global Steering Group for Impact Investments (GSG), Torino Social Impact and Social Impact Agenda per l’Italia, the Italian National Advisory Board, have joined forces to launch the Impact Narrative Awards, the first-ever award dedicated to communication about impact investing.
The Impact Narrative Awards aims to identify best-in-class examples of impact investing stories used to persuade financial institutions and governments to put their full weight behind impact. By honouring excellence in communication, we can strengthen the narratives used to promote impact investing and help our community to speak with one voice. In doing so, we elevate the profile of impact investing and enable it to expand around the world, bringing benefits to people and the planet.
The winners will be announced to 1,500 impact professionals at the GSG Global Impact Summit (October 6-8, 2021) and their message will be distributed through the GSG communication channels. The categories include the best impact narrative aimed at governments and the best impact narrative aimed at the financial sector.
The closing date is August 23 at 23:59 BST (London time).
Before submitting your entry, please read the full call, containing selection criteria and submission rules.
Only entries submitted using the ONLINE FORM and including a link to the narrative content you are submitting will be considered. Applications sent via email or other channels will not be accepted.
For more information, visit the official website or contact