It offers a multi-disciplinary basic knowledge on social impact.
The aim of the module is to enable you to develop an Impact Vision,
a theoretical-practical horizon to structure your own path towards social impact actions.
The module deepens experiences and practices of those who have undertaken a track oriented to the construction and promotion of impact culture in their organization, practice and transformative motivation.
How it works
- 3 online sessions
- Finale collaborative workshop + testimonials in one full day at the Campus.
For whom
For those who realize that a new world vision should be explored first in its diversity, richness and complexity: explore, in order to understand and learn new languages, tools and practices. For those who want to acquire basic knowledge to introduce social impact in their own personal and professional realty.
Goals and methods
The aim of the module is to offer a widespread and extensive knowledge of the impact ecosystem: from the definitions of social entrepreneurship to the typical social innovator’s mindset. Learning methods are manifold: lectures, group discussions, national and international case studies, and a final collaborative workshop for identifying your Impact Vision.
Learning Journey With: