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Civiltà Digitale is a project of Ex Idea l.t.d.-Benefit Corporation, born from an idea of Luciano Violante, Don Luca Peyron and Enrico Gentina.

The project Civiltà Digitale (aka Digital Civilization) is a path that comes to life in 2021 to address together with the issues and questions that the irrepressible technological-digital development confronts us. Through dissemination, dialogue and sharing, the project aims to inform, raise awareness and offer the tools to understand and imagine the society of the future, both through the management of events, online and offline and through. This project is being monitored for the social impact it is committed to, which is goal number 4 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda: to provide quality, equitable and inclusive education and learning opportunities for all.

In addition, Digital Civilization has its own website, which is the project’s communication channel, where you can find general information and a link to download the Digital Civilization app.

In 2021 Civiltà Digitale supports and participates in the big marathon that on June 2nd 2021 will see 24 TEDx teams from all over Italy collaborating to share ideas and talks on the topics we care about. Dozens of appointments, meetings and speeches will take place in the stand of Civiltà Digitale, from May 26, 2021, to June 7, 2021.