For a social enterprise, understanding its identity is essential to improve and strengthen its presence in the market: telling its own story, having clear values, and knowing how to relate and communicate effectively.

With the European project Buy Social Future of Social Economy!, we reached out to businesses and social cooperatives in the area to provide them, through three training sessions, with the tools and skills necessary to strengthen their competitiveness and presence in the B2B market.

During the third and final meeting, which took place on Thursday, February 8, Beeozanam provided the backdrop once again. For this occasion, the trainers Daniele Consoletti, Alberto Marzetta, and Alberto Baccari accompanied us, experts in contract law, communication, and marketing, respectively.

We revisited the topics covered in the previous sessions, providing additional insights through both frontal discussions and practical activities. With lawyer Daniele Consoletti, we discussed how to draw up a contract, confidentiality agreements, and non-compete agreements. Alberto Marzetta then guided participants through individual consultations on how to best communicate their organization: emphasizing that communication must be authentic and tailored, he showed how to create effective storytelling, build a communication plan, identify target audiences, and determine which tools and channels to use.

Finally, we delved into marketing with Alberto Baccari, head of innovation. With his support, participants got hands-on experience through a team-building activity that saw them working side by side, simulating the work of a company in defining a value proposition.

The training sessions are part of the broader Buy Social! project that promotes social procurement in the private sector – the purchase of products and services from social enterprises that prioritize impact, thus enhancing business relationships with traditional companies.