Piemonte Innova, formerly Torino Wireless, is from the outset a unique entity at national level that brings together public bodies, research organisations and enterprises in the digital field. A staff of 35 people work on more than 40 projects, 8 of which are European, a national cluster, a regional hub and an ecosystem dedicated to innovation. Piemonte Innova provides expertise in the management of European and Italian innovation tenders, supports and assists SMEs and small municipalities in the digital transition, responds to requests for participation in projects promoted by local authorities, and identifies needs and collaborations for public-private collaborative research projects.
To these historical functions of the 20 years of Torino Wireless, Fondazione Piemonte Innova adds, thanks to the entry of new members and the renewed pact between the founders, new competencies and the mandate to act, in cooperation with the other stakeholders, as a facilitator of the processes of innovation and development of digitalisation of the so-called digitally fragile subjects: micro and small enterprises in less technological sectors and small municipalities.
The objective is to animate and accompany businesses and public administrations in managing the economic and social impact of the major transitions – digital, environmental and energy – that will characterise the coming years, starting from three major themes: Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. The national and no longer just regional recognition of the Foundation also offers further opportunities for competitive improvement.