Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani (aka the Italian National Agency for Young People), in collaboration with Ashoka Italia, is organizing onĀ December 3, 2021, the day after the Ashoka International Summit, at OGR Torino, the initiative “Role model network: stories and tales of positive models, how can young people inspire change?”, a journey started in 2018 at the indication of the European Commission, with the aim of providing positive examples by which the new generations can be inspired.

Models of young people for young people. Girls and boys who have not stopped believing in an inclusive society and who can therefore be concrete models for the European Commission, which has asked to encourage activities against all forms of violent radicalization.

With this in mind, the Agency has deemed it necessary to promote, with even more strength and conviction, the mobility and transnational experiences that the Erasmus+ Community Program makes available to which the European Solidarity Corps has therefore followed.

The program is being defined but there will be guests and speakers, also international, including Alberta Pelino President of YAS, Martina Rogato President of Young Women Network Visionary Days, Ivana Calabrese Young Changemakers, the Italian National Amputee Football Team (FISPES). The EuroPeers Italy network with the aim of telling testimonies of boys and girls who, thanks to mobility and participation projects have positively changed their lives.

After the debate, will follow a moment of networking, OPEN MIC, and a round table on the meaning of being a Role model that can generate positive change in society.

More information here.