Listening Event: Metropolitan Forum

November 10, 2023, from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Location: Metropolitan City

The Metropolitan City of Turin invites the entire community to participate in the public listening event for the purpose of the participatory process aimed at defining the new Metropolitan Strategic Plan (MSP) 2024-2026.

The objective of the event is to initiate collective reflection to define a shared framework of the current state of affairs and the needs that the new planning must address. In particular, the event aims to begin with a discussion of what has been achieved with the MSP 21-23 and subsequently reflect on the new needs that the upcoming planning should address.

As the Guidelines for the 2024-2026 planning document, approved by the Metropolitan Council, confirm the overall structure of the current Plan, the event will be structured by dividing the audience into six thematic tables related to the Strategic Axes of the MSP: Axis 1 (Digitalization, Innovation, Competitiveness, and Culture), Axis 2 (Green Revolution and Ecological Transition), Axis 3 (Sustainable Mobility), Axis 4 (Education and Research), Axis 5 (Inclusion and Cohesion, Attractiveness), Axis 6 (Health). The discussion sessions will be facilitated by experts who will report the results of the discussions to the plenary session.

Instructions for Participation in the Event

To participate in the discussion and dialogue, attendance in person is required. In this regard, it is necessary to fill out the registration form at the following link. The event will take place at the headquarters of the Metropolitan City, at 7 Corso Inghilterra. Please arrive on time.

Listening to the Plenary via Zoom

For those who cannot attend in person, there will be an option to remotely listen to the plenary introduction to the proceedings and the feedback from the discussion sessions. In this case as well, it is necessary to fill out the registration form at the following link.

Once your registration is confirmed, a unique link for accessing the conference will be sent to the email address provided in the form. To effectively participate in the event, it is recommended to connect via a PC/Mac using the latest version of the Zoom platform, which can be downloaded from the platform’s website. Upon access, you will be asked to authorize the platform to use the camera and microphone.