What does Diversity Mindset mean? Why do we talk about inclusion in organizations and workplaces? If I’m a freelancer or run a small business, how can I concretely incorporate this theme into my content and communication strategy?
Let’s work together on the answers on Tuesday, May 7th, from 6 PM to 7:30 PM. Associazione Acca, as part of the Salone OFF event offerings, is organizing a meeting at Pink Coworking (via Bertolotti 10 in Turin, near Piazza Solferino) on a foundational topic: inclusion and a broad intersectional approach in the workplace.
We believe it is important to address these questions in a rapidly changing work environment, where corporate welfare and inclusion are crucial for reputation and appeal. Yet too often, in the rush for sustainability, they are reduced to merely “cosmetic” actions; this is also an issue that affects freelancers when they are integrated into complex and diversified organizations.
We will discuss all these topics, and more, with Sambu Buffa, author of the upcoming book “Change your mindset with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in your activity”. We will have some previews of the book during the event: a meeting that lies between an interview and an extended discussion with the audience.
Engaging in dialogue with the author will be Chiara Zoia, an expert in accessible communication, and Sylvia Oberto, a consultant for Diversity Equity and Inclusion interventions in companies and third-sector entities.
The event is part of the Salone OFF programming of the Salone del Libro of Turin, in collaboration with Flaco Edizioni; and is supported by the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, within the framework of the Time and Skills Bank of Pink Coworking.
Click here to read the news on our website, where you can also find a form to register.
For more information: info@associazioneacca.eu