Last April at Fuorisalone 2023 in Milan, (RI)GENERIAMO together with Leroy Merlin Italia and Connect-Italia, promoted the “Laboratori Tematici” (Thematic Workshops) series of meetings, four consecutive mornings focused on topics such as connections, generativity, social impact. We invited our stakeholders to take part in these meetings, anyway they were open meetings and from time to time some visitors to Fuorisalone decided to sit with us in order to listen and maybe say a word.
Drawing on that experience, we’ve produced an Ebook (in Italian) that is now available and free to download on our website.
Why this Ebook? Two are the main reasons:
first, to tell the story of what happened during that experience
second, to encourage others to replicate it, and possibly scale it.
Those meetings turned out to be, in a nutshell, a sort of an “exercise of generous connection”. We know from the findings of the survey we took in the following weeks (it’s included in the Ebook) that participants appreciated so much their experience.
Why such appreciation? We can’t tell it for sure, anyway we strongly believe that the main reason is about the way the audience has been stimulated with regard to what to share: not the usual success stories (“we did this, we did that, we have best practices, we’ve been awarded”), but somehow quite the opposite: we invited participants to tell the story of the problems they’ve struggled with, the story of their crisis moments, the story about when they failed, the story about the impact they didn’t succeed in making. In our view, that kind of “not usual” and maybe even uncomfortable approach allowed any of us to learn so much from each other and to deeply feel we need one each other.
Are you wondering if it’s worth giving a try? If you need help, we’re gladly avaialable to give a hand. Let’s connect together.