Yesterday afternoon, May 28th, the CIS – committee for social entrepreneurship of the Turin Chamber of Commerce convened, with Mario Calderini reconfirmed as president by the chamber’s board. Professor Calderini has been instrumental in collaborating with the committee to establish and support Turin Social Impact, the city’s ecosystem for social entrepreneurship and impact investment. The committee, officially established in 2016, built upon the work of the previous decade by the civil economy observatory, which aimed to comprehensively understand the structure and dynamics of the third sector.
The work carried out by the committee in recent years has contributed to the debate on new forms of social impact entrepreneurship, especially in light of the reorganization decree for the third sector, emphasizing the importance of impact measurement and social impact finance. This has been further bolstered by the chamber’s adherence to the Social Impact Agenda for Italy and support for social innovation projects at the territorial ecosystem level.
One of the committee’s most significant initiatives during its first term was the 2017 launch of the Turin Social Impact project platform. This initiative aimed to promote Turin’s metropolitan ecosystem for social entrepreneurship, social innovation, and social impact finance, positioning it on the international map of social economy ecosystems. The platform now boasts over 300 partners, up from 100 in 2020 and 12 in 2017, including public and private entities, both for-profit and non-profit, forming a vast ecosystem that represents a cluster of competencies, activities, and services to strengthen and promote the region.
To ensure continuity of the work and support ongoing and future activities benefiting social impact entrepreneurship and the development of its ecosystem, as well as to better monitor the progress of these initiatives, it was necessary to renew the appointments of the committee members and its president, as stipulated by the specific regulations.
The newly appointed committee, which convened yesterday, is composed as follows:
Mario Calderini, president
Federico Michele Bellono, representing trade unions within the chamber’s council
Giuseppe D’Anna, representing AGCI Piemonte
Irene Bongiovanni, representing Confcooperative Piemonte Nord
Paolo Petrucci, representing LegaCoop Piemonte
Paolo Biancone, representing the University of Turin
Francesca Montagna, representing the Polytechnic University of Turin
Silvio Magliano, representing the world of volunteering
AGCI Piemonte joins the CIS for the first time with President D’Anna. Dr. Bongiovanni and Prof. Montagna are new members of the Committee, representing Confcooperative Piemonte Nord and Politecnico di Torino.