With ChatGPT, interest in generative AI has exploded among the public and in the media. But how does it work, what are its uses, and what impact does it have? To learn more, on Tuesday, February 6, from 5 pm to 7 pm, the seminar “Generative AI: how it works and what impacts it will have” will take place. A contribution to provide an independent and comprehensive view of the most significant innovation we are currently experiencing.

The event, organized by CSI Piemonte, Associazione SENIOR CSI, Forum Democrazia Etica Digitale, and ISMEL, will start from concrete cases of AI-based applications and will focus on the main questions arising from the current experience.

The event will take place in person at the CSI Next headquarters, upon registration at the following link. It is also possible to follow the seminar via streaming (without registration) and access the link that will be published at the same address on the day of the event.


  • 5:00 PM: Registration and welcome coffee
  • 5:15 PM: Introduction and coordination by Pietro Bizzotto. Greetings from Pietro Pacini, General Director of CSI Piemonte
  • 5:30 PM: “Working with ChatGPT: how to build an effective prompt,” by Pietro Terna from the Academy of Sciences of Turin
  • 6:00 PM: “Camilla, the new digital assistant for PA: ideation, realization, and technological choices,” by Claudio Parodi and Maurizio Dipierro from AI and Robotic Process Automation CSI Piemonte
  • 6:30 PM: Discussion and debate with participants
  • 7:00 PM: Conclusion