“The imaginary life drives the creative life, as Natalia Ginzburg beautifully writes in her essay, sometimes anticipating and guessing the events of real life. It also concerns the anticipation of a future that we can build through literature, cinema, art, written words, and the voices to which we dedicate our special attention. Even our secret devotion and our hopes. This Salon is then a tribute to the imaginary life, in all its forms: its creative, melancholic, hopeful, and always new way of creating other worlds and making them meet, even hoping that some of them may become real.”

This is how Annalena Benini, Editorial Director of the International Book Fair, writes.

Ginzburg’s passage seems to reflect on how the imaginary life, or the inner world of fantasy and imagination, can influence real life and the creative process.

Artàporter has invited artists from all disciplines to participate in this open call, welcoming visual, performative, literary, and multimedia works. It invites deep reflection on the powerful message expressed in the above-mentioned text. The imaginary life, with its richness of imagination and creativity, could be the key to unlocking new perspectives in artistic work. It is necessary to take a moment to consider how the imaginary life influences the creative process. Explore how dreams, fantasies, and visions can transform into artworks that inspire and move others. Experiment with new techniques and approaches that can be fueled by the imaginary life.

The exhibition, signed by Artàporter, will take place at the Con/Temporary Space Santa Teresa in Turin, from May 4th to May 13th, 2024, with the vernissage on May 4th at 6:00 PM. The exhibition is part of the Salone del Libro OFF showcase.