As part of the initiative InnoSocialMetro, the Metropolitan City of Turin has launched a call for micro and small enterprises with social innovation projects in need of financial suport.

The measure InnoSocialMetro, a combination of training and financial support, aims to increase the ability of the local entrepreneurial ecosystem to generate through its for profit activity, socially desirable impacts.

The Call, with availbe resources of around 1.200.000 €, will provides two independent forms of financial support:

  • an interest subsidy, in the face of a bank loan subscribed by the enterprise to finance the project,
  • a grant, to repay 50% of the amount invested by the enterprise in the project.

The beneficiaries will be micro and small enterprises of the Turin metropolitan area that, after having completed the training, will be able to present and implement a project with a definable and measurable social impact.

The micro and small enterprises interested in the program must contact one of the trainer providers selected by the Metropolitan City, whose list can be found at the following link.

The Metropolitan City chose wide social challenges that it wants to target, in order to encourage the evolution toward a more resilient, sustainable and fair economic model. That’s why the projects that will be admitted to the financing scheme will have to have positive repercussions on the commuity, relating in particular to one of the following challenges:

  1. Employment preservation an job creation, especially through the inclusion of vulnerable individuals and disadvantaged groups;
  2. Environment protection, improvement of the environmental sustainability of business activities, particularly through decarbonization, reuse and use of recycled materials, products and by-products from production cycles as an alternative to virgin raw materials, reduction of waste production, ecodesign, reduction of plastic use and replacement of plastics with alternative materials, support for green and digital transition processes;
  3. Urban regeneration, restoration of facilities, promotion of new local economies;
  4. Sustainable tourism, preservation and enhancement of historical and cultural heritage, trades and local productions;
  5. Well-being and quality of life of communities, improved access to public services including through digital tools.

The call is available on Finpiemonte‘s website, at this link.