On November 5, 2021, from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm, at Open Incet, piazza Teresa Noce 17 in Turin, will be held, Imp’ACT – From dreamers to changemakers, the final event of the Strategic Partnership Erasmus+ SSEDs (Strategies for youth SSE Entrepreneurship Development and Social impact).
The Social and Solidarity Economy project has actively involved 7 organizations from 4 different countries (Spain, Italy, Greece, and France); Confcooperative Piemonte Nord is a project partner together with Citizens in Action, Nexses, Unis-Cité, Stranaidea Impresa Sociale ONLUS, CooperaSec, Kaléidoscope.
The project lasted 2 years and the final event Imp’ACT – From dreamers to changemakers will be an opportunity to work in groups and collect valuable feedback from participants familiar with social impact assessment. So as to experiment with the tools made by the partners (Toolbox on values, sustainability, and social impact of the ESS and a Training Module for approaching young people to the ESS). The Toolbox can be used by everyone.
Access to the room will be limited. Therefore, registration will be closed once the maximum number allowed is reached.
Sign up to secure your place at the event by filling out this form, no later than 10/28/2021.
The event will be held in English, without translation. According to the current regulations for the realization of events in presence, it will be required for attendees to wear a mask.
The seeds Project
The project aimed to support the development of the agri-food and tourist accommodation sectors, with particular attention to their commercial management and marketing strategies, useful for the promotion and growth of these sectors. Moreover, the project has tried to create new political strategies and new management standards for the economic sectors involved, in order to create a well-organized supply chain, enriched by the presence of young entrepreneurship, open to innovation.
The commitment of the project partners allowed the creation of a “toolbox” composed of an online toolbox on values, sustainability, and impact of Social and Solidarity Economy and a training module for young people on social impact assessment.
Thanks to the tools systematized during the project, developed in two years, it was possible to enhance the ideas of young people, stimulating the acquisition of knowledge about social impact assessment.