News COVID-19
Ecosystem in action
“Torino City Love” is an initiative of digital solidarity and innovation that brings together the technological partners of the City of Turin to offer resources, actions and skills to support citizens and businesses in the area in this period of difficulty following the emergency health.
Confesercenti has published a map of shops delivering food at home, during the coronavirus emergency: a useful service available to citizens in this moment of difficulty which can be consulted on the Confesercenti Torino e Provincia web site.
The Community Concierge “Lo Spaccio di cultura” of the Biagio Project from the Italian Network of Popular Culture is active to provide free assistance to people who need it. The “concierges” are available to provide different services, such as:
Sos technological assistance
Homework support and creative workshops for children from kindergarten and elementary school
Recipes from the multicultural families of “Guess who’s coming to dinner?”
Aesthetics and body care treatments
Concierge choir
Parlons français!
Psychological support
RETE ADESSO is addressed to unemployed people in particular conditions of frailty and social vulnerability: the telephone contact point offers information on the services active in the area, advice and accompaniment to access to digital public and private services, including: access to the Program Digital Solidarity of the Italian Government, the activation of the SPID and the use of the public platforms, the search for information necessary for daily life and / or the study of children and numerous other services. The service is also available in language sign for deaf people.
TuttiConnessi is the initiative for the solidarity collection of IT tools – PCs, tablets and smartphones – to be donated to students in difficulty.
The crowdfunding campaign to support Fooding is active: the project to combat poverty and food waste promoted by Arci Torino, which manages public canteens, day centers and poles for the recovery and redistribution of unsold food, on 4 municipalities in the province of Turin.
The Neighborhood Houses Network (Rete delle Case del Quartiere) participates in the food support activity of the “Solidarity Network in support of the population to tackle the epidemiological emergency from covid-19” developed by the City of Turin: 13 territorial hubs ensuring the supply and the storage of food and of basic necessities and its redistribution by home delivery to very large numbers of people, through civic volunteers.
HummusJob is a job search platform dedicated to agriculture to respond to the labor emergency in the fields.
Disabled, elderly or people in difficulty with the use of technology can ask Hackability volunteers help to solve small or large daily problems.
Torino Social Impact coordinates a working group involving the major players in the Turin ecosystem of the coworking and collaboration spaces, to outline together the strategy for the future of these places of social innovation.
As part of the plan of interventions that the University of Turin has adopted in this period of emergency related to the spread of Covid-19, is part of the initiative “ICT4Student” which provides for the free distribution to students, on loan for use, laptops, tablets with sim for connectivity and router, as a form of direct support in order to facilitate the use of distance learning.
An online platform dedicated to businesses and entrepreneurs, collectinig national and regional information and measures to face the Coronavirus emergency, created by Unioncamere.
Forum del Terzo Settore has published a page containing all updates, regulations and provisions for the Third Sector.
In this section are collected the most relevant content on the COVID-19 theme published on the pages of the Ministry of Economy and Finance since the beginning of the emergency.
The commitment of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation to address the social, health and educational emergencies related to the contagion from Covid19.
The Turin Chamber of commerce supports local SMEs to face the crisis by adopting IT tools and digital technologies, to encourage the continuity of activities in the lockdown period and their recovery in the following period.
COVIDCAP.COM is a platform for the search of global and local sources of financing and loans for small businesses and non-profit organizations.
Impact Hub Turin organizes the executive course “How to become a smart company” for companies that want to know practical and technical solutions for smart working management. The course is addressed to Startups, SMEs and Corporates aiming to improve the flexibility and digitalization standards of their company, even post-emergency.
Cottino Foundation has launched a digital channel, entirely dedicated to producing and sharing new knowledge and culture for social impact.
A cycle of training and free webinars open to all, for sharing skills and knowledge, to build new relationships and plan the future together, with the contribution of many professionals and illustrious names of Italian social innovation.
The channel to follow webinars and events from the Italian Impact Hub network.
An analysis to provide a precise picture to public and private decision-makers firstly, but also to the media and public opinion, about what it’s happening in terms of economic damage caused to the entire cultural sector and to plan for the future mitigation tools.
Torino Social Impact launches a quantitative and qualitative survey on the state of health of the Third Sector organizations of the territory and on their emerging needs.
The analysis of the corporate welfare, smart working and social responsibility initiatives launched in “Phase 1” of Covid-19 is available online. The report has been published by Percorsi di secondo welfare, the research laboratory that aims to feed and spread the debate on the changes taking place in Italian welfare.
>GO TO THE REPORT (Available only in Italian)
The Response, Recovery, and Resilience Investment Coalition (R3 Coalition) is publishing The Impact Investing Market in the COVID-19 Context – a series of issue briefs on the impact investing market in the COVID-19 climate, which intends to describe the current state of play for impact investors.
A study by the IUPUI Women’s Philanthropy Institute offers a snapshot of how the U.S. and U.S. families have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic through philanthropy, while also highlighting differences among different types of families, with a focus on gender and marital status.
How did Turin individuals and families experience the first lockdown?