Sunday 24 August saw the Clean Up Day Torino, an ecological walk in the northern parks of Turin. The event was organised as part of the Community of Practice on the Circular Economy, a project funded by the Turin Chamber of Commerce and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

The activity was proposed by Green Growth Generation, an organisation working on issues of community and sustainability practices, and designed in collaboration with Bici-T, which provided a cargo bike and took care of transporting the collected waste to the nearest ecological island, and Panacea Social Farm, which offered a light break at the end of the route. In addition, Mercato Circolare, Cooperativa Esserci, OffGrid Italia and Atelier Riforma actively contributed to the event and its dissemination.

The morning was a chance for participants, 20 in total, to improve the environment and collective wellbeing, as well as an opportunity to socialise with other members of the community who share the same passion for environmental protection.

The route

The walk started at 10 am at the Bocciofila Vanchiglietta, Lungo Dora Pietro Colletta 39/a. The participants walked through the Crescenzio park, then on to the Pietro Colletta park, where there was a short stop and a break with delicious crostini prepared by Panacea Social Farm. The loop then closed at the initial meeting point, and the collected waste was transported by bici-T to the AMIAT collection centre in Via Amedeo Ravina, 19.