What if the narration of the space of care was itself part of the care? It will be discussed on October 26th starting from the experiences promoted by the Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino, during the meeting at Circolo del Design, in the frame of Torino Design of the City.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Circolo del Design
Via San Francesco da Paola 17, Turin
An appointment to talk about “Humanization of care places: narration and relationships in the project”. At the center of the discussion, the crucial role of relationships – and in particular of the strategic dimension of a shared narration integrated into the design of the space – able to strengthen the specific identity of care places and the sense of belonging in the different users.
In order to understand if and how narrative in the architecture for places of care can be a decisive element for the humanization of these places, during the meeting we will analyze the issue through the multidisciplinary gaze of designers, health professionals, philosophers and storytellers.
Each of them will be asked to propose a definition of narrative according to their respective disciplinary field, to highlight the communicative potential contained in architecture and to identify how this type of narrative can shape the sense of belonging and the identity of a place.