What are the community’s doubts about climate change?
From today they find space on Conversation Community, a digital platform where everyone can enter questions and concerns about climate change.
The first step of a project that combines theatre, digital media and journalism to improve the quality of the discussion about climate change.
The digital platform was created with a minimal template, specifically designed to minimize the energy demand and the ecological footprint of websites, responsible for 2% of total greenhouse gas emissions.
The doubts collected will be transformed into theatrical pills to arouse confrontation and discussions. A public debate from which will be created an interactive theatrical show and a multimedia e-book. The goal is to put the user in dialogue with the entire process of artistic creation and with the selection and use of scientific and journalistic sources.
Why all this? Because we firmly believe that critical thinking, supported by appropriate methods, can withstand the impact of disinformation and fake news.
We ask you to contribute by telling us your doubts about climate change!
If you don’t have it yet, you can learn more and be inspired by the collection of content to read, listen to and watch that we have selected for you.
“Dubium sapiantiae initium” said Descartes. Doubt is the origin of wisdom.
Conversation Community is a project of Mercato Circolare, Il Mutamento, Pop Economix in collaboration with Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana.
Conversation community is part of the MediaFutures project.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s framework Horizon 2020 for research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951962.