“Italia Inclusiva” is a project of the Directorate-General for the Promotion of the Country System that aims to enhance the Italian third sector abroad, through the creation of video-photographic projects that highlight the activities of six Italian non-profit associations.
The Third Sector in Italy is a dynamic and extremely varied reality, with hundreds of thousands of organizations active in various fields. It was created to serve the community and, at the same time, it creates communities and relationships, producing an economic value far greater than what is quantified.
It is a very active laboratory of entrepreneurship and innovation and contributes to promoting culture and making it accessible. In turn, the Italian Third Sector generates a culture of responsibility, cooperation and care for people, spaces and cities. It is therefore important to start associating Made in Italy also with the excellence that our country can boast in the social sphere, which has a crucial role in the sustainable development of the country and in the inclusion of its most fragile subjects.
The project aims to communicate abroad the contribution of the third sector and to try to return its variety, through the selection of six macro-areas of intervention, which recall the Goals for Sustainable Development of the UN Agenda 2030: legality, women’s empowerment, urban regeneration, social integration, sports, social entrepreneurship.
For the promotion and enhancement of this important socio-economic heritage will be made of video-photographic projects that tell the activities of the associations identified active in the areas listed above, in continuity with the established tradition of Italian photography in the reading of places and society.
The public notice “Italia Inclusiva” is addressed to emerging or mid-career photographers/video makers or collectives and will remain open until February 4, 2022.
The six selected artists will be able to develop their video-photographic project by observing over the course of a few months the work and history of the associations. The photographic projects will then be valorized through the realization of six books and six exhibitions destined to be diffused in the diplomatic-consular network and in the Italian Institutes of Culture.