On Thursday, November 30, 2023, at Rinascimenti Sociali, located at Via Maria Vittoria 38 in Turin, the presentation of “Seniores Online,” the platform for those over 65, will take place. A project by Torino Valley in collaboration with the Regional Coordination of Third Age Universities in Piedmont.
Seniores Online aims to be a social platform both in the real and virtual realms to meet the need for connection, knowledge, and information, promoting active aging in Piedmont. The project is funded through the funds allocated by the Piedmont Region for the implementation of interventions and initiatives related to the active aging plan.
The project arises from the belief that the Over 65 generation has been considered “lost” to digital for too long, while now it plays a central role in the contemporary “Silver Economy.” In Piedmont alone, there is a growing synergy among local entities that, by “working together,” strengthen their presence, proposals, and their ability to be a real and potentially virtual community.
Furthermore, the pandemic and its dramatic consequences on the elderly have demonstrated the indispensability of creating a virtual community, an online social network to connect those over 65, providing them with information and support even at a distance and in moments when traditional channels are not effective.
The goal of Seniores Online is to create a social platform both in the real and virtual realms to meet the needs for connection, knowledge, information, culture, and activities of those over 65 residing in a particular area. The Seniores Online community aims to become a factor in social innovation and a local actor, evolving into a knowledge community, an active community for change, and the construction of a uniquely rich social environment.
The morning’s program includes the presentation of the Seniores Online platform and its initiatives, as well as two debates on topics related to active aging and real and digital communities.
- 10:00 AM – Registration and welcome
- 10:15 AM – Introduction and presentation of Seniores Online (with Vittorio Pasteris and Gianfranco Billotti)
- 11:00 AM – Debate: “Aging well, aging in the future” (with Massimo Aimone, Serena Bavo, Enrica Favaro, Mauro Maurino. Moderated by Vittorio Pasteris)
- 11:45 AM – Debate: “Needs of real and digital communities” (Monica Cerutti, Roberto Dadda, Ennio Martignago, Pietro Terna. Moderated by Gianluca Ferrise)
- Greetings
For more information, please visit the Seniores Online website.