Towards new economies and enterprises with social impact
November 6, 2024, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Cottino Social Impact Campus
Corso Castelfidardo 30/A – Turin
What services and opportunities does the territory offer to social enterprises and aspiring entrepreneurs interested in this field?
What are the key points of the metropolitan social economy plan? What is social impact evaluation, and how does it work?
These are the questions that a group of experts will address during the meeting, alternating their insights with direct testimonies from social entrepreneurs.
9:30 AM: Participant registration
10:00 AM: Opening remarks:
- Giuseppe Dell’Erba, Cottino Social Impact Campus
- Alessandra Brogliatto, Committee for Female Entrepreneurship, Turin Chamber of Commerce
Focus on the Territory
Social Economy: What meanings and values come from the territory? – Caterina Soldi, Cottino Social Impact Campus
The goals and perspectives of the Metropolitan Social Economy Plan – Simona De Giorgio, Turin Chamber of Commerce, Social Entrepreneurship Committee, and Turin Social Impact
Focus on Business – Strategies and Tools
Defining a social enterprise – Andrea Mussa, Confcooperative Piemonte Nord
Measuring and evaluating impact. Framework and experiences from the territory: CeVIS – Marella Caramazza, Cottino Social Impact Campus and Istud Business School
An impact evaluation experience in a social enterprise – Bruno Toninelli, Solidarietà Sei s.c.s. – Claudia Carena, Unioncoop-Torino s.c.
Vastè: The Hybridization between Profit and Non-Profit – Marco Pastori and Cristina Avonto, Vastè s.c.s. Social Enterprise.
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