Torino Social Impact is a strategic partner of “Gen C“, the initiative promoted by the Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani (National Agency for Young People) and Ashoka Italia to create a community of young promoters of change: the first call expires on 15 October.
The project aims to select young people aged between 13 and 25 and Mentors aged between 25 and 35. Young people who are already implementing in their territories actions and initiatives of youth leadership to support digital, ecological and autonomy transitions.
A young changemaker has many qualities: he/she is empathetic, visionary, courageous, aware, motivated and determined to change things for the good of all. Changemakers lead by example, involve and inspire their peers and the communities they belong to, generate innovative virtuous processes of value for society, promote the territory, carry out social and cultural projects and support and launch youth initiatives.