What is hydrogen? What are the main applications and future scenarios?
If you are looking for answers to these questions, we look forward to seeing you on the 5th of February at 15:00 – 17:30 at the online workshop “Hydrogen Technologies: foundations, myths and future perspectives”.
Organised by Environment Park and the European project HYPOP – Hydrogen Public Opinion and Acceptance, the workshop is a time for discussion to discover hydrogen as an energy resource, its possible applications and future development scenarios in our society. During the meeting, we will guide you through the understanding of hydrogen, assess criticalities and doubts regarding its technologies. We will collect your ideas and make the workshop a moment of co-creation to build local communities of citizens and aware territorial realities. Hydrogen, although still little known to the general public, represents an important opportunity for a sustainable energy transition with different applications, from mobility to residential, at regional and national level.
The workshop is therefore open to all local community of citizens, associations, companies, public administrations and communicators, interested in expanding their knowledge on the topic of hydrogen. Experts in the field will also take part in the workshop, Prof. Marcello Baricco – Chemist and hydrogen expert – and Prof. Alessandro Sciullo – Sociologist of the environment and territory – both from the University of Turin.
The following themes and activities will be addressed during the event:
- The HYPOP Project and hydrogen technologies: what is hydrogen, its characteristics and applications
- Activity 1: Debunking the myths vs facts – explore data on public perception of hydrogen in Italy
- Activity 2: Future prospects for hydrogen technology
The workshop is completely free, subject to registration at the following link: TICKETS
The workshop will be held in Italian.
HYPOP project
HYPOP – Hydrogen Public Opinion and Acceptance, is a project funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership JU within the Horizon Europe programme. The main objective of HYPOP is to raise public awareness and awareness of hydrogen technologies and their systemic benefits.
For further information and contact: marianna.franchino@envipark.com