Polyteknos e Accoglienza was born in 2020 during the pandemic with the aim of creating, with the skills of the members, an innovative Productive Third Sector, which also operates as a social incubator with specific attention to young people of all ethnicities, mostly excluded from a decent and stable job, so that they can with the methodologies of learning-working, acquire more arts and crafts and as digital and intersectoral artisans, become in turn disseminators of ecosystems. In this context, understandings and precise relations with the direction of the FORUM Education Schools of Piedmont have also been prepared to plan during and after the construction site experimental actions aimed at the new generations, from childhood, with productive and intersectoral laboratories, equipped to be accessible and organize specific stages with them.

The hypothesized objectives, initially in inland and rural areas within the Metropolitan City of Turin, but prefigured to be then transferred and adapted to the needs of the Madonie Development Agency in Sicily, and for a village in Senegal, available to one of the members of Polyteknos e Accoglienza, concern:

  1. The revitalization of abandoned lands and made productive with biological-symbiotic techniques using selected microorganisms;
  2. the use of only renewable energy for all the activities of the community inside Cascina Calligaris, the future operational headquarters;
  3. the recovery and renovation of internal buildings and canopies to be equipped as inter-sectoral productive-educational laboratories;
  4. the insertion of self-produced ornamental plants in all the buildings to absorb the CO2 produced and keep the air healthier;
  5. the transformation of the Courtyard inside the Cascina creation in the courtyard, after the revitalization of the land, then the insertion of various types of plants, and a geodesic dome symbolizing the biosphere, with educational functions for children, students and their families on the entire food cycle, from seeds to foods that offer all the vitamins and proteins useful to the intestinal microbiota, and therefore to health;
  6. the creation inside the Tectory, of laboratories for biology, food transformations; computer science, microelectronics and mechatronics; drones and sensors to observe, detect, process data and alarms;, biology, sensor technology; woodworking, (with equipment for safe access even to children, and for small maintenance in the buildings and in the laboratories themselves.