Esserci is a Type A and B social cooperative, which deals with personal services, as a response to the needs of the local community.

It is a non-profit organization whose mission is:

“…. give citizenship to the rights and needs of individuals, families and local communities. Building opportunities, through the promotion of active and responsible participation in the social, work and economic life of the contexts it “inhabits”, the commitment of its members and the development of a social and solidarity enterprise “.

A social enterprise is, in our opinion, a key player that helps to structure places, relationships, exchanges.
In other words, it has in its action the ambition and the goal of building communities. In this sense, we live our presence in the places where we operate, contributing to the growth of a society that makes the rights of all possible.

We are a hybrid cooperative in which educational projects (A) blend seamlessly with productive projects (B).

In recent years we have felt the need to look beyond the cooperative world and discover models, tools, networks that allow us to be more innovative.
In 2018 the most typical services of sector B (production type) were more structured, and positive experiments of mixed services (A and B) were started: imagining being able to develop more and more contaminations and synergies between the two areas in order to create a hybrid and integrated business model.

In some services, in a specific way, educational accompaniment also takes place through entrepreneurial accompaniment: the provision of the service is the promotion of empowerment and skills through doing and concrete experimentation.
Some more distinctly educational and personal service activities have been included in the services of area B. What remains at the center is customer orientation, which in a circular way can be a beneficiary or producer of a service.

The Esserci cooperative manages different types of services and projects: hospitality, socio-cultural promotion, social assistance and health prevention, recovery from discomfort, care, rehabilitation, support for job placement, housing sustainability, integration and inclusion.

The services are aimed at:

  • minors from zero to 21 years in a situation of abandonment or hardship
  • foreign minors and adults
  • young people in difficulty
  • people with disabilities
  • families
  • people with mental disorders
  • local community