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The Seed tender intends to help social cooperatives to formulate and implement renewal processes and proposes to accompany strategic-organizational and innovation strengthening plans resulting from the experience, competence and ideals of the cooperatives themselves. The call is addressed to organizations based in the Metropolitan City of Turin or in the province of Alessandria and is divided into two phases:

First phase (call for ideas): in-depth analysis of needs and strategic-organizational check-up.

Second phase: implementation of the strategic-organizational and innovation strengthening plan.
The general objective is to favor the path of a certain number of social cooperatives that want to improve their entrepreneurial solidity, efficiency, profitability and good governance to reach that level which, ideally, could allow them to overcome the due diligence carried out by an impact private investor (investment readiness).

Compagnia di San Paolo’s intervention has the character of supporting the generation of evolution and / or innovation processes that originate originally and independently within the cooperatives. The goal is to allow those social enterprises that feel the urgency to evolve, but often do not have the time, concentration or resources to build their own development plan, to do so with the help of external resources.
In parallel, the action has an exploratory and cognitive function of the current state of the organizations involved and their needs.

To be admitted to the evaluation, applications must be sent to the address seed@compagniadisanpaolo.it no later than September 28, 2018, specifying in the subject “Call for Seed 2018”.

For the presentation methods and all other features, see the call text on the CSP website.