Social Equity Crowdfunding

Re-Anima is an innovative startup created to support and popularize the principles of “The New Urban Agenda – Habitat III” and, in particular, to raise venture capital in Public Private Partnership (PPP) operations, Energy Communities and, more generally, the capitalization of Social Enterprises established in the form of Capital Companies.

We therefore aim to work alongside:

  •  the managers of sports facilities, with particular regard to swimming facilities in the upgrading of infrastructures and/or in offering new services (e.g. inclusive courses dedicated to people with disabilities);
  • energy Communities in order to make them widely participatory and useful in promoting the social utilities envisaged by the relevant legislation;
  • social enterprises and other entities active in the third sector in order to promote a business activity of general interest, non-profit and for civic, solidarity and social utility purposes, adopting responsible and transparent management methods and promoting the widest involvement of workers, users and other stakeholders in their activities (pursuant to Art. 1 of Legislative Decree 112/17).