Mondo Nuovo is a social cooperative founded in 2001 from the union of some Fair Trade experiences in the Turin area and its province.

It is a non-profit organization that today manages 4 Altromercato shops and works to offer citizens concrete opportunities to choose a sustainable and responsible lifestyle. Not only products for sale, therefore, but also services (coffee machines for offices, catering, corporate gifts, wholesale supplies, …) and awareness and training initiatives on the issues of responsible consumption (events, teaching in schools, conferences, … )

Founded by 27 people, the cooperative today has over 650 members, constantly increasing: participation is open to all citizens.

Among the members there are approximately 50 volunteers and 10 worker members, who provide their professional activity in the cooperative, with different tasks and roles.

Members are also offered the opportunity to join the cooperative’s Solidarity Finance project.

Mondo Nuovo scs has always been an active part of the Italian Fair Trade movement.

It is a Fair Trade Organization registered in the register called Equogarantito and is member of the Altromercato consortium.