In Piedmont over the last ten years, some of the most important Italian and European innovation experiences have been consolidated around Fablabs, makerspaces, profit and non-profit centres of competence capable of rapidly adapting to the demands of citizens and businesses, of fostering processes of participation and co-design, and of making the advantages of technologies accessible to all, based on real needs expressed by the territory. Knowledge, often fragmented and little known, that wants to come out into the open and make a contribution to the cultural and economic growth of the region.

To achieve this goal, some of Piedmont’s most important centres of competence Fablab Turin, Fablab Cuneo, We Do Fablab (Novara-Omegna), Lab 121 of Alessandria and the non-profit organisation Hackability have set up MakPi-Making Piedmont, a collaborative platform open to all those who wish to disseminate good practices related to digital fabrication and design, and promote new professionalism in training, co-design, and the use of low technology for business and social purposes.