Collaborative and supportive living

CO-ABITARE is a social enterprise, born from a cooperation between some historical organizations of Torino, such as the social cooperatives G. Accomazzi and Esserci and Consorzio Copea. Recently, other two important entities, the social cooperative San Donato ad Fondosviluppo Spa, joined Co-Abitare to share skills, experiences, knowledge and educational paths in order to work together and dealing with the emergency hospitality sector.

Our experience in the property management, tourist reception and social support enable us to redesign social housing projects in a new perspective, working to build a trasformative model where people with difficulties, as well as studens and young workers, can achieve necessary skills to access the public and private housing market.

CO-ABITARE intends to develop a collaborative and supportive hospitality model, made up of relationships, common spaces, mutual help, exchange of ideas and cultural enrichment, able to offer everyone a cozy and positive place to live and to feel comfortable. We want to provide integrate services for accomodation, cultural initiatives and social support and care for the most fragile subjects of our society.