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Cascina Roma Creative Hub is the new community hub of San Donato Milanese. A place of production and cultural experimentation, with spaces dedicated to work and training, designed to promote innovation and social cohesion.

Avanzi, together with the City of San Donato Milanese and the youth association Sando Calling, was awarded the call “Fermenti in Comune”, promoted by ANCI, to encourage the activation of young people and enhance Cascina Roma.

The project was launched in early September, with the opening of the space on 10 December and expected to end in August 2022: in the next 9 months we expect an interesting start-up phase of the Creative Hub, useful to start a new season of Cascina Roma.

Cascina Roma Creative Hub wants to be a new center of cultural and creative fruition, a multifunctional center for and of the city. A place that places culture and participation at the center of change, promoting new forms of interaction between local communities and the public space.